Epidrual injections of steroids for spinal arthritis


Active member
Jun 17, 2016
Bulldog(s) Names
Meaty, Sophie, & sometimes fosters
Hello everybully :)

Ugh, we are struggling A LOT with treatment options for our precious, 8-year-old Sophie. We already
knew she has a subluxating patella (floating kneecap), plus, since she's almost 8 (WHERE did EIGHT years go ! ? ! !?...)
we assume she has general arthritis.

In the last few months, we notice her limping is increasing. Vet said when she walks, she's 'hip walking", meaning---
she isn't bending either back leg at all. Poor baby, no WONDER! He SUSPECTED bilateral ACL tears, so he sedated her to do a full, manual exam.

Before I continue, I want to clarify that she does NOT show ANY signs of not enjoying life anymore----this is obviously
our most important issue!!! The thing that kills me is that even though she still enjoys ALL the same things she always has, I've read that bulldogs are known to be very stoic when in pain, so how do we really KNOW if she's miserable? :(

We've done lots of reading about this, and talked to 2 vets about quality of life (i.e.....signs of when it it's time to put them to sleep) before because of our precious 10-year-old Meaty's arthritis issues.

He was surprised to find that she does NOT have bilateral ACL tears; but said "she has a PARTIAL tear in one leg". He also Xrayed her and discovered severe arthritis in her lower spinal vertebrae. She's already
on Gapapentin and Vetrprofen twice / day for a long time, and he started her on Tramadol 2 / day.

He wants us to consider Adequan injections, which she's had in the past, but we honestly can't TELL if they helped...ugh!
Sidenote--our sweet, 10-year-old Meaty also has severe arth. in his lower spine, and MUCH WORSE in both elbows. :(
has also had many Adequan injections in the past, and--once again---we honestly cannot tell if they helped. Meaty's on LOTS of meds, and we believe he's comfortable, but I don't want to get toooo off of my topic of Sophie.

If not Adequan, he wants us to consider spinal epidural injections of steroids. He can't give us an exact number required, because it depend on her response. He says he's seen SOME dogs do well for MONTHS after one injection, and others, not so much. Of COURSE we want her pain relieved; however,
the anesthesia for these is more than just "twilight" sedation. I forgot to ask if it's as deep as GENERAL anesthesia; but I hope not! I fully trust our wonder-bull vets, and they DO know alllllll the special risks with bulldogs, so it's not that.

We also don't LOVE the thought of steroids, since we all know they come with problems of their own....but, her not being in PAIN is the most important!
Also, I don't know for sure, but I'm assuming repeated anesthesia for an 8-year-old is a lot harder on their bodies. Who knows how MANY of these epidurals she'd need? Ugh.....

I'd appreciate your thoughts, advice, experiences, etc. ((( HUGS ))) to you and your precious babies!!

Silly sidenote....I tried to fix my misspelleing of EPIDURAL in my subject line, but I don't think that's possi-bull. Am I
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I have no experience with this specific issue but my French Bulldog has IVDD and has undergone 3 surgeries for herniated discs. I have been taking him for acupuncture and laser therapy on a monthly basis. Not sure if this would be an option for you. I also give CBD oil twice a day which is supposed to be good for inflammation and pain. And then I also give glucosamine supplements in the form of green lipped mussel powder, liquid glucosamine and bone broth which are supposed to be good for joints.
Wow, a load to absorb. Only a couple things I can add if it was my dogs, definitely would give them like mentioned CBD oil. Also I would massage on regular basis with 3oz of coconut oil (clear one) and these following oils. Shake vigorously and massage morning, afternoon n before bed...Mix essential oils together in an Amber or dark blue glass bottle.

44 drops lavender
19 drops frankincense
31 drops helichrysum
6 drops Roman chamomile
I think they mean anaesthesia with shot which knocks out for 15 min, which is enough for procedure. No intubation anaesthesia.
For steroid shots - you wonā€™t know until you try. But I also vote for CBD oil first, or, even if you stay in one of more liberal states, medical marijuana if it is allowed in your state.
My boxer had severe arthritis and a bone spur in her neck... we did the adequate injections, and they seemed to work for awhile.
I agree w/the others... try the laser therapy, CBD oil and the acupuncture... it sure couldn't hurt to give that a go.

ON a side note, I get steroid injections in my knee and in fact I had one yesterday... I have arthritis in my knees and hip. I'm pretty active... I workout at the least 5 times a week, and after getting the arthritis diagnosis I knew that the BEST thing for me was to keep as mobile as possible. IMO they work... I can keep up w/my workouts, and I feel pretty good. I try to stretch them out as long as possible, so I can go every 3 months but I pushed it 6 months this time.
[MENTION=9157]ddnene[/MENTION], my mom is 85yrs young going on 50. She is healthy, has all her head n walks freely with no canes etc. She even still drives. She too also has a knee issue like you. She use to get her shots on regular basis or she canā€™t walk around as much and she would get really mad at herself cause she knows itā€™s part of aging. I told her steroids is harsh on a system and explained to her what it can do to her organs etc etc. She started steroid shots 2years ago and about a year ago I started to sent her Japanese Mint Oil. She has now cut 1/2 her shots cause she said the mint oil works wonderfully. She puts it straight on her knee n under 3x a day. Since she doesnā€™t work she doesnā€™t care about the smell. Iā€™ve been also sending her premixed oils cause sheā€™s the type that canā€™t sit down (thatā€™s where I get it from) but with her age she has no choice. She puts her premix on her hips n lower back n sheā€™s off for her day. Just a thought :)
I would try all the above suggestions, before the injections. I had them, and they did not help me a bit, but that's me.
@ddnene, my mom is 85yrs young going on 50. She is healthy, has all her head n walks freely with no canes etc. She even still drives. She too also has a knee issue like you. She use to get her shots on regular basis or she canā€™t walk around as much and she would get really mad at herself cause she knows itā€™s part of aging. I told her steroids is harsh on a system and explained to her what it can do to her organs etc etc. She started steroid shots 2years ago and about a year ago I started to sent her Japanese Mint Oil. She has now cut 1/2 her shots cause she said the mint oil works wonderfully. She puts it straight on her knee n under 3x a day. Since she doesnā€™t work she doesnā€™t care about the smell. Iā€™ve been also sending her premixed oils cause sheā€™s the type that canā€™t sit down (thatā€™s where I get it from) but with her age she has no choice. She puts her premix on her hips n lower back n sheā€™s off for her day. Just a thought :)

Helene, I DID buy an essential oils starter kit... I have slowly been using the oils. Since I'm not familiar w/them yet, I'm not going too crazy... can I get the Japanese Mint Oil here in the states? I don't even know if I have mint oil in my kit... I will have to check it out.
Helene, I DID buy an essential oils starter kit... I have slowly been using the oils. Since I'm not familiar w/them yet, I'm not going too crazy... can I get the Japanese Mint Oil here in the states? I don't even know if I have mint oil in my kit... I will have to check it out.

I send her Hagina Japanese Mint. Iā€™m not sure if you order online. If not get another quality high end brand. Again make sure it has a bin/bar code ON the bottle n not just the box. When someone puts a B.C. on the bottle it means company can track their bottles so meaning they wonā€™t make a crappy oil. Rule for any EO. I donā€™t see why they donā€™t sell it in the US.

[MENTION=9157]ddnene[/MENTION]. Spoke to my mom a bit ago and yesterday she said it was her check up and she told her doctor sheā€™s been using Japanese mint oil. He described the bottle, little red cap, tall silver bottle before she mentioned it and he said keep using it as she has no swelling and her bump behind her knee has gone . Go figure he knew the brand. :)
If I donā€™t answer you itā€™s cause Iā€™m working in the kitchen today :)
Hello everybully :)

Ugh, we are struggling A LOT with treatment options for our precious, 8-year-old Sophie. We already
knew she has a subluxating patella (floating kneecap), plus, since she's almost 8 (WHERE did EIGHT years go ! ? ! !?...)
we assume she has general arthritis.

In the last few months, we notice her limping is increasing. Vet said when she walks, she's 'hip walking", meaning---
she isn't bending either back leg at all. Poor baby, no WONDER! He SUSPECTED bilateral ACL tears, so he sedated her to do a full, manual exam.

Before I continue, I want to clarify that she does NOT show ANY signs of not enjoying life anymore----this is obviously
our most important issue!!! The thing that kills me is that even though she still enjoys ALL the same things she always has, I've read that bulldogs are known to be very stoic when in pain, so how do we really KNOW if she's miserable? :(

We've done lots of reading about this, and talked to 2 vets about quality of life (i.e.....signs of when it it's time to put them to sleep) before because of our precious 10-year-old Meaty's arthritis issues.

He was surprised to find that she does NOT have bilateral ACL tears; but said "she has a PARTIAL tear in one leg". He also Xrayed her and discovered severe arthritis in her lower spinal vertebrae. She's already
on Gapapentin and Vetrprofen twice / day for a long time, and he started her on Tramadol 2 / day.

He wants us to consider Adequan injections, which she's had in the past, but we honestly can't TELL if they helped...ugh!
Sidenote--our sweet, 10-year-old Meaty also has severe arth. in his lower spine, and MUCH WORSE in both elbows. :(
has also had many Adequan injections in the past, and--once again---we honestly cannot tell if they helped. Meaty's on LOTS of meds, and we believe he's comfortable, but I don't want to get toooo off of my topic of Sophie.

If not Adequan, he wants us to consider spinal epidural injections of steroids. He can't give us an exact number required, because it depend on her response. He says he's seen SOME dogs do well for MONTHS after one injection, and others, not so much. Of COURSE we want her pain relieved; however,
the anesthesia for these is more than just "twilight" sedation. I forgot to ask if it's as deep as GENERAL anesthesia; but I hope not! I fully trust our wonder-bull vets, and they DO know alllllll the special risks with bulldogs, so it's not that.

We also don't LOVE the thought of steroids, since we all know they come with problems of their own....but, her not being in PAIN is the most important!
Also, I don't know for sure, but I'm assuming repeated anesthesia for an 8-year-old is a lot harder on their bodies. Who knows how MANY of these epidurals she'd need? Ugh.....

I'd appreciate your thoughts, advice, experiences, etc. ((( HUGS ))) to you and your precious babies!!

Silly sidenote....I tried to fix my misspelleing of EPIDURAL in my subject line, but I don't think that's possi-bull. Am I

I have no experience with this specific issue but my French Bulldog has IVDD and has undergone 3 surgeries for herniated discs. I have been taking him for acupuncture and laser therapy on a monthly basis. Not sure if this would be an option for you. I also give CBD oil twice a day which is supposed to be good for inflammation and pain. And then I also give glucosamine supplements in the form of green lipped mussel powder, liquid glucosamine and bone broth which are supposed to be good for joints.

I agree... try the laser and CBD before injections... also, can they up the Gabeptein dose?

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@ddnene, my mom is 85yrs young going on 50. She is healthy, has all her head n walks freely with no canes etc. She even still drives. She too also has a knee issue like you. She use to get her shots on regular basis or she canā€™t walk around as much and she would get really mad at herself cause she knows itā€™s part of aging. I told her steroids is harsh on a system and explained to her what it can do to her organs etc etc. She started steroid shots 2years ago and about a year ago I started to sent her Japanese Mint Oil. She has now cut 1/2 her shots cause she said the mint oil works wonderfully. She puts it straight on her knee n under 3x a day. Since she doesnā€™t work she doesnā€™t care about the smell. Iā€™ve been also sending her premixed oils cause sheā€™s the type that canā€™t sit down (thatā€™s where I get it from) but with her age she has no choice. She puts her premix on her hips n lower back n sheā€™s off for her day. Just a thought :)

Your Mom must be a very interesting olā€™lady:sneaky2:especially when you two are together Iā€™m sure you are a handful and up to all kinds of mischief:evil:
Your Mom must be a very interesting olā€™lady:sneaky2:especially when you two are together Iā€™m sure you are a handful and up to all kinds of mischief:evil:

:hijacked::offtopic: SORRY

Iā€™m the quiet one! Imagine my other 3 siblings lolll. My mom raised us to ā€œspeak our mindā€. Funny story..When I worked in the education field (20yrs) administrated, I had to deal with some spoil brats teens n parents would allllllways take their brats side. My last 5years, I had enough with these parents as basically itā€™s not the childā€™s fault as itā€™s the parents that raises them. Hey like dogs :) I had this 16yr old came in with his mom on registration day in our adult centre, tells her mom...exact words and itā€™s brainwashed in my brain to this day!! He said ā€œ you Fuken stay here in line and Iā€™m going to Macdonalds. Iā€™ll be back laterā€! OMG my mouth dropped as she simply said ā€œok dearā€ Holysh*t I freaked out. In front of maybe 300 students n parents I raised my voice said...ā€ HEY YOU! Come here. If thatā€™s how you talk to your mother, YOU can get the hell out of my school. Thereā€™s no room for rude kids in this school. Goodbye n good luck cause youā€™ll need it.ā€ Then mom comes up to me saying I couldnā€™t do that. Told her we donā€™t need crap like your sonā€™s mouth thatā€™s going to end up disrespecting our teachers like he does with you. Thank you goodbye. She reported me. I did go to the head office and had NO clue I had a note written in my file from waaaaay back, saying, If Helene said something cause thereā€™s a reason. I have that in my file? Big boss said..yes. So I told her what happened n she told me to go away. Lol..
Yeah, kids nowadays are more and more arrogant, i think itā€™s a nightmare to work in education now. And parents enable them, because psychology says kids must be happy, all the way, at all times, no matter what, love them unconditionally etc. I just cannot understand when and how they are supposed to pass this magic point when they arenā€™t kiddos anymore and no one is going to provide them happiness and unconditional love and money for free - nor employer, neither partner or the rest of the world. But psychology says nothing about it.
Where do you get CBD oil? Is it oral or topical? If oral, are there instructions on how much to give? My Porkchop, 8 yrs old, has bone spurs in his back which the vet says has created a neurological issue affecting control of his right hind leg. Heā€™s on carprofen, Movoflex and recently Petandim, an herbal supplement. He does seem to be more mobile since adding Petandim. But I have heard a lot about CBD oil being effective in pain management. There are so many brands on the internet that I am hesitant to order any without someoneā€™s recommendation. Would appreciate any input.

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