Entropion Surgery



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Dec 29, 2010
Parkersburg, WV
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Tanker or Tank or Tankie..Depends on his expression.
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[MENTION=1081]Chunksmama[/MENTION]. I just went and looked at your pictures and Chunk is a handsome boy! There are one or two pictures that his eye does look a little swollen and red, but not in all. Do both eyes swell and get iritated? If so then I would try the switch the food. Good luck!


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Aug 20, 2010
New Jersey
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Chunk aka Chunkster, Chunky Monky, Sir Drools-a-lot, Wrinkles Magee
Our vet gave us the ointment for his eye. They also did the tear test and the dye to check for scratches. Tears were great and no scratches. I really don't think that Tank's problem is from allergies as it is only one eye. I don't believe that we have an opthamologist in our small town. She referred us to one of associates that she works with that has alot of experience with the type surgery. I was relieved that she was honest enough to say that she doesn't do that type of surgery and referred us on to the right person. It is going to probably cost around $350. Some days it looks great and we think that oh it really doesn't need it, but then a few days later when he has slept all day long it's iritated. Still alittle scared to do it.

Chunk is having the same kind of thing - just one eye and not all the time. The quote we got from our vet was almost $1000 - but that included everything from the pre-surgery bloodwork to his medications after surgery and everything in between. This price also includes neutering him so it's a bit higher for that reason. (And let's be honest, Jersey isn't cheap!!! So that adds in too.) Anyway, another vet at the hospital we go to could do it or the opthamologist could do it, I just would prefer not to do surgery at all! So I figured another opinion would help.

We actually went and bought the Fromm Beef Fritatta that desertsky recommended so my fingers are crossed! Just want my little man to be healthy! And thanks, Tank is quite handsome too! His eye looks JUST like Chunk's does ... just that Chunk's is white so it appears very red at times.

PS - we have a Tank too! Except he's all black with a white chest - he's a pit bull. Funny thing is, he is similar in size to an EB - he's got short legs and he's stocky. Sweet too. :)


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Aug 20, 2010
New Jersey
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Chunk aka Chunkster, Chunky Monky, Sir Drools-a-lot, Wrinkles Magee
[MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION] So we've been doing the eye drops and ointment, we are now completely switched over to the Fromm Beef Fritatta. How long did it take for Tidus and Jesse's eyes to go down after the food switch? Chunk's eyes look somewhat better, there are times during the day that they don't turn in and times that they do. They are still boogery and red, so I'm trying to be patient. (I have to be honest, he doesn't get the eye meds as often as he needs them because it generally takes two of us and we are all running like crazy usually. Plus it's supposed to be every 6 hours - I'm not giving up sleep! At night it's probably more like 8-9 hours.


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Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
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The Home of the Desert Sky Pack
[MENTION=1081]Chunksmama[/MENTION] It took a couple of weeks. Even if Chunk still requires surgery, I am sure he feels a heck of a lot better. How is his skin, coat and general appearance? How is his energy level? Does he seem to feel better?


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Aug 20, 2010
New Jersey
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Chunk aka Chunkster, Chunky Monky, Sir Drools-a-lot, Wrinkles Magee
[MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION] He seems pretty much the same behavior-wise. The only thing I noticed is that he :poo: way more - as in a larger quantity. I don't know if that's good or bad. I'll give it a few more weeks to really see for sure. It's only been just about a week of just the Beef Fritatta alone, so it may take more time. It definitely makes me wonder because sometimes his eye is perfect! So it seems like it's GOT to be an allergy to something ... it's just what is the question! I'm wondering ... if it's an allergy then if I gave him benadryl, it should get less puffy. Hmmm. I may talk to the vet about trying that ...


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Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
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The Home of the Desert Sky Pack
His poos should decrease, he may have gas right now because of the switch. On Fromm Beef Fritatta, you should see nice solid poos. If you don't within a week I would question another allergy to something in the food. All 5 of my bullies have super hard poos, and they do not even stink....! But it could just be that he is adjusting. How much are you giving him per day? (He probably only needs 1.5 cups per day)


Aug 4, 2010
Milwaukee, WI
Bulldog(s) Names
(HRH) Her Royal Highness Princess Gracie & Princess Amelia Pond (Amy)
We switched HRH over to the beef frittata and it has helped with her eye boogers and licking of her paws. But it took a few weeks before really noticing the improvements. She did seem to :poo: more and have more gas for a bit. But now shes :poo:less and the licking while not completely gone is better. We also changed her to a lower fat no grain or chicken treat from Blue Buffalo and that has seemed to help too. Oh and we aren't noticing gas anymore either. And she's back to her proper trim 40 pounds :up:

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