English Bulldog stolen during robbery in Gilbert, Arizona

that is down right wrong... I feel for this woman... That is why I hate leaving even to goto the store....
OMG! I always make sure our gate is locked and we never leave anyone outside if we go out. I never imagined they may not be safe if they're asleep in the locked house! How awful! I hope she gets her Bully back!
Awful...this is so close to me. It makes me happy I am home a lot of the time and my house is alarmed. I would know what to do but I'll be on the lookout. I wonder if the dog will show up on Craigslist?
this kills me :angry: after she had her bully stolen, i went out and bought a combination lock for his crate when we are gone. my house is alarmed, deadbolts and regular locks on the doors, back gate is locked and padlocked, the privacy fence is 6 feet of block, so if someone wants to steal him, they'll hopefully give up because i don't know how they will be able to move his whole crate in a short amount of time.

i'm really hoping she gets her baby back.
Any news on if she got the dog back yet?
GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!! fenway was found today wandering in the desert by queen creek! she is back home w/her momma. :whew:
Ahh that is AWESOME NEWS!!!!! I am so happy to hear this...
How Wonderful! So glad to see that!

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