dreaded allergies...again

Jul 24, 2014
Bulldog(s) Names
so last week I got kind of busy getting ready for family to come and I wasnt paying my usual ocd attention to my sophia. Upon going to bed I noticed she was scratching herself silly so I turn on the light and noticed her belly was raw and she had a interdigital furuncle starting .(Bad Bullie Mommy)

dont know what really caused it, it could have been just run of the mill Imallergictoanythingoutside or...my husband bought beef and potato instead of whitefish and potato and shes allergic to it ..

so first i sprayed her down with chlorhexidine, gave her a benadryl , then put her t shirt on which seems to calm her urge to scratch, also put her cone of shame on to prevent her from chewing her furuncle, then I went back to sleep. In the morning I asked my husband (bad Husband)to go get whitefish and potato just incase this caused it.

2 days later her furuncle is almost cleared up her skin is looking better and Ive been able to take the cone of shame off. Im still vigilant about cleaning her belly and her feet 2xs a day with chlorhexidine and keeping her on benadryl and so far things are looking better..and so glad because I didnt want to have to get her a cortizone shot

Id like to know what everyone else does when they see the itching start and any products you find helpful..I know Im thankful for chlorhexidine which I just ordered last month in a quart bottle. I put it in a spray bottle and spray her belly and feet 10592863_10204479983990055_9057691304754962573_n.jpg


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Dec 22, 2012
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b and w
I also put a shirt on him when he gets real itchy (luckily it hasn't been that bad in a while).
Other than that, weekly baths in Douxo to keep him yeast free, and duoxo wipes in his tail pocket once or twice weekly.
I use to wipe him down with Douxo every few days but he hasn't been yeasty in awhile now so I stopped.

Another thing I discovered (thank you Dr. Nulton) and love, is Betagen Topical Spray (do not use it for yeast!!). It clears cuts, hot spots, rashes and other allergy related issues like the itching right up. You need an Rx for it but it's only 25 bucks and can be ordered online. I use as needed, usually for a day or two and that's it.
Way better than cortisone (aka steroid) pills.


Head Pooper Scooper
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Mar 21, 2011
Katy, Texas
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BeBe, Hazel, Lucy Lu, JLO, Hillary, Henri, & Katie
Sorry your baby is having the problem. We are fortunate to have found a food that our bullies do well on, but before that when they would get a little itchy we would give them a Benedryl.


I'm not OCD....now who moved my bulldog?
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Jul 28, 2011
Gilbertsville, PA
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Chelios (Frenchie), Cubby (Frenchie) Nitschke (2004-2011) Banks (2005-2014) and Lambeau (2014-2024)
my girl is also allergic to everything outside... I wipe her with a wash cloth after every potty or play time, it is tedious, but it helps a lot! just a warm/cool wash cloth wipe the paws, belly and face.


Pooper scooper
Nov 5, 2012
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This is a never ending cycle with allergies, just know it will get better.

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