Does your bully love car rides??


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Buffalo NY
Bulldog(s) Names
Oh my soon as Chester hears the keys jingle he is down the steps into the breezeway and ready to roll.. whether it was our intention to take him or not! He will roll over whoever is in his way to get to the door! :eek: Then we have to roll down the window (no matter the weather) he can stick his head out.
omg same with stig ... well with the rolling down the window part! I sit in the back with him and he'd stand on my lap because he's too short to look out the window if not. don't you just love the feeling that you've found something that makes them happy :D
We have only had Genevieve 2 weeks but have taken her on 2 road trip already and she loves it. Both trips were about 2hrs long. Although she doesn't do the whole window thing she goes to sleep almost instantly and sleeps the whole way. She is like a baby the minute she gets in the car she is out!
Some mornings it's a hassle to try and leave for work, cause they think its a "everybody to the car!!!!!" type of day. Vegas is picky on the days he wants to go in the car. It's almost a game. Today I was doing some running around and wanted to take Vegas with me. Orion was at the front door before I even had my keys in my hand. I was actually only planning on taking Vegas. We were stopping by a friends house and they have a dog that Vegas likes to play with......but Orion really wanted to go and Vegas was being wishy washy. Finally I had them both out the door when Vegas turned back around and ran to the house. I was in the driveway with O, and yelled to Vegas "if you aren't coming with, go inside and shut the door!". So he did. My husband said he cried when we left. Well?
Chesty and Cadence love to go any time any where.... but I can't believe that Echo is a part of them..... he screams and poos every time we take him any where.....well I must admit...he has only gone to the vets so no food for two days.....
Poor Echo, send him to me and I will train him to ride in the car! LOL
All three of our dogs love to go, if we ask them if they want to go with us they all run to the door. Now Bella will go to the door with anyone and everytime. She just thinks she should get to go.
Some mornings it's a hassle to and leave for work, cause they think its a "everybody to the car!!!!!" type of day. Vegas is picky on the days he wants to go in the car. It's almost a game. Today I was doing some running around and wanted to take Vegas with me. Orion was at the front door before I even had my keys in my hand. I was actually only planning on taking Vegas. We were stopping by a friends house and they have a dog that Vegas likes to play with......but Orion really wanted to go and Vegas was being wishy washy. Finally I had them both out the door when Vegas turned back around and ran to the house. I was in the driveway with O, and yelled to Vegas "if you aren't coming with, go inside and shut the door!". So he did. My husband said he cried when we left. Well?

i just teared a little when i read the part that he cried. :(:p
i just teared a little when i read the part that he cried. :(:p

It cracks me up that he actually shut the door like I requested. Usually when it's the pantry door he's messing with, he will close it just enough so that he can reopen it at a later time. Not unless you say "all the way" will he give it enough of a push for it to latch. So, since our front door closes easier, I think it might of surprised him that it latched so easily. Poor baby. I did take him for a nice long car ride later that day, so he wasn't left out.
Some mornings it's a hassle to try and leave for work, cause they think its a "everybody to the car!!!!!" type of day. Vegas is picky on the days he wants to go in the car. It's almost a game. Today I was doing some running around and wanted to take Vegas with me. Orion was at the front door before I even had my keys in my hand. I was actually only planning on taking Vegas. We were stopping by a friends house and they have a dog that Vegas likes to play with......but Orion really wanted to go and Vegas was being wishy washy. Finally I had them both out the door when Vegas turned back around and ran to the house. I was in the driveway with O, and yelled to Vegas "if you aren't coming with, go inside and shut the door!". So he did. My husband said he cried when we left. Well?

I'm starting to think Bentley and Vegas come from the same line! He did the EXACT same thing with rides. Linus would be waiting at the door but Bentley would play it cool or act afraid (even though he'd been on a billion car rides), refuse to go - then pout. Other times, he'd be as excited as Linus but picky is the right word!
My boys dont go very often so whenever the chance comes up they are ALL over it. Heck even to go to the vets office they are excited, of course until they get there. lol
Vegas loves care rides, but it is a hassle living here in Florida. I have to go outside and start the car or truck 10 min. before we leave to get it cool for him, he knows he is going so he sits at the front door and whines/crys LOUD until I open the door and say lets go!! His car rides are limited right now until it's cooler out. Even with the car/truck cooled off he still sits and pants and drools all over the back seat.

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