Cross Your Fingers For Me!!


Delilah's Personal Slave
Community Veteran
Feb 26, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names
Cross your fingers for me, guys!

My sister and I have really been wanting a kitten. We've never gotten to have a least not since we were both really little..and now we're 20 and 15. We've always adopted adult cats, and we have two cats right now. We talked my mom into letting us rescue a shelter kitten.

We found this little girl that we really, really love:

Mom filled out an adoption application for us. We should hopefully get a call back tomorrow or the next day on if we've been approved.
There was another person interested in her. So, I'm really hoping that we get her. She's super sweet and was snuggling with us and purring in our ears. :heart:

I really want a kitten so that it can be a friend to Delilah. Our adult cats never got used to her. They can't stand her, lol. They are always trying to pick fights and delilah thinks they're playing. So I want her to have a friend.

Keep your fingers crossed that we get her!
Kitten is darling. You may want to consider two kittens. My adult cat Daisy hated my new kittens but they at least had each other to play with and that has was 3 years ago. Daisy still hates them and now hangs out with the dogs instead. Is the kitten a Tortie? If it is you may want to google tortielove livejournal. They are all about loving their tortoiseshell cats and kittens. Crossing my fingers you get approved. There are so many kittens who need a home. I'm already at my max on dogs and cats in my city.
She's a cutie. Did you have Delilah with you when you picked her out to see if they would like each other?
[MENTION=1909]laurendoodler[/MENTION] - congrats on your (almost) new family member... I hope you get the kitty you desire!

I have three cats. Only one of them is at all interested in the dogs: Sushi (age 7). The others (Lucy age 15 and Zuska age 10) hiss and flee. They want no part of these rough-housing, slobbering bullies. Sushi, however, loves these dogs and in fact, tries to go walking with us every morning. I have to lock him in the house or he will follow us. My neighbors think this is hysterical. I think it's dangerous for the cat.

Here's a (poorly lit) video of a wrestling match between Bea and Sushi: Sushi and Bea Wrestling March 2011.AVI - YouTube Sushi plays with the dogs all the time like this - but I can never capture the action on video. One of these days!
She is a cutie, I hope it all works out for you!! Finger's crossed!!
aww good luck. And good for you for adopting from a shelter.
We didn't take Delilah to meet her, no. But however..Delilah loves everyone. Seriously she does, haha. And the lady at Petco (they bring in cats from the shelters..they have rotations) fostered this particular kitten and said at first she hissed at her dog but then grew to like him. So we should hopefully be good.

Still no word on if we are approved. I called Petco and the shelter lady did get our application. Called the shelter and they weren't open. I left a message. It's good to show initiative, right?
we ended up getting to adopt her :) she's settling in really nicely! we're calling her Gucci..haha
YAY! Congrats on the new family member. I am sure Gucci will be very happy with you :)
hahahah love the name, and she's a real cutie. Congrats to the new member of the family.

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