Cleanliness first


Well-known member
Community Veteran
Sep 30, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names
Taisto, Kylli, Salli, Angel-Usko and Angel-Voitto
Usko figured out himself to turn his back to us for drying his hind legs:D My clever boy!

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WOW!!!! What a good boy!! I have to stand right at the back door with a towel and attack Vegas when he walks in the door, he always bites the towel and wants to play tug of war. Im totally impressed!!
Amazing! We'd usually need to wait till Stiggy lays flat on the kitchen tiles and Punks on an air vent before we attempt wiping them. Show off! :p
What a smarty! Rook also tries to eat the towel... But he has started lifting his paw so I can put his harness on, so maybe we are a work in progress. We aspire to be as awesome as Usko one day. :)

This is us rehearsing not too long ago!
haha. love it. yawn and all. :up: although he was giving you the stink-eye throughout the whole process. :lmao:
Very cute and very smart! Gio just started giving us his paws when we clean his wrinkles and tail pocket, he likes when we clean in between his toes!
Wow! What a smart bully! Im impressed! Can you come and train my dog by chance?:lmao:
[MENTION=5264]sweetpeasmom2008[/MENTION] We can come as au-pairs, the whole lot! All expenses paid of course:lol:

[MENTION=1209]savemejeebus[/MENTION] I have show of a little...I'm so proud of him. He has also just picked up so many things all by himself!
Such a smart boy. I love it.
how smart! lola's got the 4 paws down too.. we do paw, other paw, toes, other toes, wee and bum all the in same order every time we come inside. so cute!

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