Chester can't eat a treat off the floor.. he needs "traction"


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Apr 24, 2010
Buffalo NY
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Chester is certainly a sight if we give him a treat on the kitchen floor. He makes such a mess, those little pieces that fall out of his jowls slide all over. So, we have to give him his treats on the throw rug so I don't have spit mixture all over. Does your bully have an issue with those "slippery treats" :p
Well, not really, but Tidus is wearing one of those cone thingys on his head, so if he drops his treat or tries to get some toys he has quite a time!! They just kinda slide across the floor in front of him till I pick it up and put it in his mouth for him. :)
Whenever I give Maggie a treat I have the snail-trail .... so I always give her the treats on the wood floor so I can clean up afterwards!!
Vegas actually has a hard time just with the floors by themselves. Last year we took him to Petco for the halloween "pet walk". He actually got to walk in front of judges in his costume, except when it was his turn, he actually couldn't get his feet under him. He struggled and struggled. Finally he just laid down in the middle of the catwalk and gave a huge sigh. His medication that he's on makes him loopy. Too much of it tends to make him "drunklike".
@Libra926 Should have just told them he was dressed like Frankensteins monster and he would have totally smashed the competition!!!! :cool:

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