Bully Pageants?!


New member
Jun 16, 2010
Wonderland, Texas!
Bulldog(s) Names
Chev Chelios && Faith
My question is Bully pageants :bully:.. How does one get their bully started in one? Are their certain standards for their bully to fit to be consindered to enter one? I would love to get my babies in one, just for fun, nothing too serious :) But I've never been to one, I dont know anything about them, && dont know where to start?? Thankks! :D
Kiki, do you mean dog shows?
Not sure how to get into dog shows. Not sure if they have them in Arizona where you are or anywhere else but here in so cal we have the bulldog beauty show. It's in Long Beach, CA to be exact. It's all for fun, all proceeds to charity. It's like $25 to enter and there are hundreds and hundreds of bullies that enter. It is heaven on earth for a crazy bulldog girl like me :bully::heart:
We have a "dog walk" here in downtown Jacksonville often. Sometimes they have "pageants". When Abby was a babe, she won "a face only a mother could love"

ever since we call her a pageant queen!!!

We also have local dog shows via AKC groups. I am not sure of the official requirements. Maybe you can find out on the AKC website.
Seee I wanna enter my little ones in fun things like the beauty show or dog walk! I think that would be so fun, but I dont know of anything here in AZ.. :/ hmmm.. any ides where I can check? :)
I will ask some pals in phoenix like the rescue up there, I think she would know :)
I found a fun match in Mesa, on Oct. 31 st. If you google bark avenue mesa, and once there click on events. It has everything you need to know. A fun match is a dog show that you can enter puppies in, to give them practice for real point shows. Fun matches are for AKC dogs, but no points are given. I used to go to them years ago when I was showing my dogs. They're a lot of fun.
Thanks soo much Gertie's Mom! I'll deff look into it! I would love to get my little ones into something fun like that, where they can meet other bullys! :)