Bulldog wrinkle care?


Staff member
Jan 27, 2010
Bulldog(s) Names
Molly, Mandy, Jesse, Yuna & Tidus
So how do you clean your bulldog's wrinkles? :eek:

Do you have any tips on keeping them yeast free and clean?:D


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Now that we are feeding better dog food I think it starts right there, less tearing and better shiney coat helps prevent bad wrinkle stains and yeast. We use a warm cloth to wipe the face and baby powder in a sharp tipped bottle if necessary. Occasionally we may use cornstarch mixed with peroxide, but if there is a bad yeast infection in there we get animax cream from our vet. It works wonders!
i use warm water and sometimes anti-bacterial soap. sometimes just warm water and also sometimes an all natural cleaning solution that is not alcohol based. my female eb is very sensitive and alcohol based things, like yeast wipes, etc are really harsh on her.
something i've found key is drying their creases as well as cleaning :)
We've switched to a different food without the dyes... like "beets" :eek: .. very thankful for that advice we received here! We also clean with baby wipes and do the cornstarch/peroxide mixture nightly at this point. One eye is surrounded by white fur, the other by brown.. so it's a "one side" issue... thank goodness!
We just use baby wipes then follow them up with mal-a-ket wipes. We used to use the malaseb wipes but that company no longer exists so we have stepped over to these new ones which seem to be about as good. When we just used the baby wipes, Cutty would be more gunky and get pimples/sores peiodically. Ever since we added in the malaseb and now mal-a-ket we dont ever get sores and also he stays clean for long periods of time. We only wipe about 1 time a week now and he is usually still pretty much clean then even.


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I just looked on A to Z vet supply and they have "Malecetic Wipes". Would these be the same Cali? If you go to the A to Z link we have on the home page, just search "wipes". They were the first ones that show up. $18.10 for a pack of 100.

Here is the ingredient info:

Extended Information:

Active Ingredient(s): Contains: 2% acetic and 2% boric acids pH buffered with surfactants.

Indications: Particularly indicated for cleansing on or around skin folds, perianal, preputial perivulvar, lip, ear, feet, nasal, “hot spots” and other desired areas. For use in dogs and cats.

Directions: Gently cleanse desired areas.
Anal Sacs Expression: Place a MALACETIC® Wipe over the anal orifice and, with the thumb slightly below and to one side of the anus and the fingers on the other, press forward and together. For further expression, see your veterinarian.

Caution(s): If undue irritation occurs, discontinue and consult veterinarian. Avoid contact with eyes. Keep out of reach of children.
After looking up the ingredients for mal-a-ket wipes they appear to be a little different but probably do the same thing. Here are the ingredients for mal-a-ket...
Chlorhexidine Gluconate 2%, Ketoconazole 1%, Acetic Acid 2%
And then I decided to look up the malaseb and here are their ingredients...
Chlorhexidine Gluconate 2%, Miconazole Nitrate 2%

I am sure the malacetic wipe probably does about the same thing I suppose, I am curious is anyone has tried them?
Wrinkles are natural process that cannot be removed indefinitely, however it can be smoothed out and halted from appearing. Good cleansing routine is the best method to get rid out of this; moreover wrinkles can lead to many health problems if proper health care is not provided on time
I have changed my puppy's food to Avoderm this week after recommendations. Otherwise I was using peroxide and cornstarch and drying him off after he drinks. His face gets soaked. I'll continue the cornstarch to keep them dry.
Dempsey McCann.JPG
After looking up the ingredients for mal-a-ket wipes they appear to be a little different but probably do the same thing. Here are the ingredients for mal-a-ket...
Chlorhexidine Gluconate 2%, Ketoconazole 1%, Acetic Acid 2%
And then I decided to look up the malaseb and here are their ingredients...
Chlorhexidine Gluconate 2%, Miconazole Nitrate 2%

I am sure the malacetic wipe probably does about the same thing I suppose, I am curious is anyone has tried them?

I tried them on Dempsey, and they work fine. I think the cloth is a little thin, tho.
I do a white vinager with water mixture as needed when I run out of malacetic wipes. Tilly hates it, plus the smell...I'll have to try the peroxide next time!
After I changed Sam's food over to Natural Balance 1-2 years ago his tear stains are pretty much gone so that has helped alot. I've never had any issues with his face wrinkles, I just use a warm damp wash cloth to wipe his face.
Re: Bulldog wrinkle care ?

I clean my Bulldogs wrinkles with baby wipes, dry them with cotton balls and apply Desitin ointment to keep them dry.
This was recommended by my Veternarian, however, the Vet at the ER said no. Another incidence of getting conflicting information from healthcare professionals, which is driving me Crazy!
I clean my Bulldogs wrinkles with baby wipes, dry them with cotton balls and apply Desitin ointment to keep them dry.
This was recommended by my Veternarian, however, the Vet at the ER said no. Another incidence of getting conflicting information from healthcare professionals, which is driving me Crazy!

I have been told by a couple different vets in the past to apply desitin. Which I use some times and it works GTEAT with no reactions. I use to do it with my old bulldog who is no longer with me and he did fine.

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