Bulldog lunging at runners/walkers/strangers


New member
Jun 14, 2021
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi All! My nuggie just turned a year and a half and we recently moved. All of the sudden if we take him with us somewhere or go on a walk if he sees a runner or walker coming by him he will start to get aggressive and lunge at them when they get close. This is a new behavior that he has just recently picked up since the move. Wanted too see if anyone else has gone through this and what we can do. Already looking into trainers as I believe this is fear based because he is a super happy loving dog! Any advice/tips would be great. Also, the hard part is he is hard of hearing so would have to be non-verbal training. Thank you in advance :)
Also should of mentioned he is perfectly healthy and is also neutered!
your dog is still young and bulldogs are soo powerful. when my dog did this, i would bring treats on the walk and try my best to distract her. this was not a fast fix though. it took several months before she began to calm down and realize that not everyone we pass was going to murder us. i also got her around people as much as i could to desensitize her and socialize her. sometimes i would not let her interact people and tied her up and just allowed her to watch. i also got her the prong collar but that was when she was 3 years old. I put the rubber covers on the prongs and extend it as big as i can so that i know its not hurting her. this helps her to not lunge.
Ah, the regression /teenager rebellion years.... go back to basics when walking.... also as suggested get treat distract and give a "leave it " command when you see the trigger approaching. prong collars are great training tool, you just have to know how to use it and as suggested make sure it fits but is loose enough to give the right correction.

Also, you or whoever is holding the leash can not be tense, if you are, then your pup feels/senses that via the leash nd is reacting to your "fear" thinking they need to protect you

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