Breeding my dog? questions for pro's


New member
Apr 23, 2011
Hello all, first post, I have been looking for somewhere to ask these questions, I hope you can help.

I have a 25 month old male english, he is in perfect health, 95 lbs with awesome features. I really want to breed him once before I get him neutered. I would like to possibly give the puppies to family members and keep one for myself.

I have so many questions I am just not sure where to start.

How would I go about finding a good female for him to breed with?

What are the expectations of breeding him with another dog's owner and how the puppies are split?

Would it be worth getting my own female? I am not looking to breed long term, just once or twice to carry on his features and good health and to give the puppies away to family/friends

That's a good start I guess... any help?


He really is a handsome dog. Unfortunately...the puppies are not usually split. The owner of the male gets a "stud" fee. Usually around 500.00. I don't know how it works with olde English....I think they are able to free whelp. With an English Bulldog, it is artificial insemination and c-section. Sometimes having a litter can cost 2 to 3 grand OR MORE...and if it produces only one puppy, that is one cherished puppy.
Not only do you want to make sure your male is healthy and passes on good traits, but it's equally important to make sure the female is healthy. The puppies and all the costs go to the owner of the female...

My mom was the same way. She had her male bulldog and she wanted to mate him and give me a puppy. Learning with this don't get pick of the litter, only a stud fee, she ended up purchasing a female. A year and a half later, Cadence was old enough to get pregnant. And thousands of dollars later.....2 puppies were born. Sadly, one didn't survive past 36 hours. The one surviving puppy is healthy and happy.....and a little terror. She is now 2 and very much loved.
Again, I'm not sure how it works with Olde English....but this is pretty standard for English.
Thanks very much for the reply. Though my dog is an English, not Olde English - does he look like an Olde English?

That is somewhat disappointing. I suppose I might be able to convince whoever I get to breed for 1 puppy or a stud fee depending on the size and health of the litter. Since I am not interested in the money I just want the pups. Any idea the best way for me to find a reputable mate and owner? I don't want some backyard operation. Thanks again for your help!
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No he does not look Olde English, I think she misinterpreted your post "25 month old male english". He is very handsome!

With the stud, you will be lucky to find anyone who will even give pick of the litter. Stud fees are around $500, and that is if the owner of the female is willing to do the AI herself (A.I. is artificial insemination), or will be having her vet perform the AI. It is not advisable for you to do the AI's until you are trained because you do not want to hurt the female.

Let's say, for example, you meet someone at the local dog park or show who too, would love to breed their female, and is willing to give you pick of the litter. This is all wonderful, but PLEASE be sure they understand what it takes to care for and bring up an English Bulldog litter. Especially a healthy one. This is not a litter that you just give to mom and have her do all the work, they are the one who will be doing 90% of the work. Also check both pedigrees to make sure they are not related!

If you really are interested in doing this, I would suggest you contact a few local REPUTABLE breeders. While they may not be interested in using your stud because they will likely have their own, you never know where they will lead you.

I must warn you though, most breeders are not reputable and will not be willing to give you any info or be helpful. You will know when you speak with the right one, their passion for bulldogs will be apparent. If you are serious about doing this and doing it right, that is what I would suggest.

Here is a link to our article on bulldog breeding, just to prepare yourself and anyone else you may be talking to about it.

English Bulldog News- Bulldog Breeding Information
95 pound English Bulldog?? I have never heard of such a thing or seen one.
Has anyone else?? If that is correct that is a big boy!!

I did not even notice that, wow that is one REALLY big boy!
Hmmm a 95 lbs male might give frightening big puppies..... just saying... :(
Your idea sounds like a nice gesture for friends and family.... but if you look at reality... it is expensive to breed this type of dogs and not without risk for the female/mother.
Thank you for the info guys. It's very helpful, and thanks for the comments on Vegas. Yes he is 95 lbs, that is correct. The vet said she also had never seen an English that big. He is enormous, which is why everyone I have ever met told me to breed him. His head alone his half the size of his body. I am in the northeast, Massachusetts to be exact. If anyone know's of a reputable breeder I may speak to please send me a note. Thanks!
I love that picture. He looks like he is really comfortable.
I wasn't sure if he was Olde English or just English. When you said he was 95 pounds....I thought for sure olde english. I've never heard of a EB being that heavy. AKC standard is 55 pounds-ish. What a big boy you have. Did you say his name was Vegas? I love that name!

If the owner of the female agreed to give you pick of the litter....I'd say they have no idea what they were doing. Like I said...sometimes breeding a bulldog can cost up to 3 grand. Then you have the c-section..and the care of the pups afterwards. Since the female is put under anesthesia for the c-section, all the pups also receive a dose of it. So, when the puppies are born, each (this is my experience with it) puppy has a "nurse" who helps them recover from the anesthesia.

Gets them breathing and clears their airway. This photo is of Orion's littermate, Tripoli. He was only 4 oz when he was born. It took them atleast a 1/2 hour to get him to wake up from the anesthesia. I don't know if he got too much...or if he was too little...or if something else was wrong, but this little guy passed away after 36 hours.

It's alot of work. 24 hour care. You can't expect the female to be a good mom at first. After all, she was AI'd. Then she has a c-section. So basically...she wakes up and these little "things" are wanting to suck her dry. She is stripped from all the preparations that a normal whelping dog experiences. They are cleaned off by Vet staff, not the mom. So, she wakes up and has to learn that these belong to her.

And in my case...Cadence's first litter produced two pups. One passed away. My mom gave the other to me. If this was a situation where a stud fee was involved or pick of the litter...there would be no way she would give that puppy away. The creation of that puppy was almost 5 grand...after all was said and done. I'm so glad my mom loves me!

And keep in mind...there are times when no puppies survive. Also, the female can pass away during the c-section.
He is a handsome, big boy!!! [MENTION=1104]jortiz9758[/MENTION] I saw a really big male Bulldog (90-95 lbs.) named George at a dog show in Yakima, WA in the late '80s/early '90s. George was from the Tri Cities area (Kennewick, Pasco, Richland). I don't know if he was successful in the show ring because the time I saw him he growled at the judge!
he certainly doesnt look olde english ,most def bulldog,as hes so heavy id watch what you feed him,he doesnt look over weight at all ,but given that hes still very young it wouldnt be good if he got too heavy,he certainly looks very healthy and a beautiful face,karen

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