Bath time


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Community Veteran
Jul 26, 2010
Southeast, Ma
Bulldog(s) Names
DO the other bullies on here like bath time?? I'm lucky where Guinness stands quietly in the tub while I wash him up until the head then he jumps out of the tub, and it's like trying to catch a greased pig.
Wilson doesn't really like it too much. He was much better on this last bath. I get in the tub with with him and slide the door shut. When he tries to escape and stands up I thank him because I don't have to bend as much to wash him. :yes: He's had 4 baths now.
Winslow loves water. He will jump out sometimes as well. I will try to record him in the pool one of these days.
I will at times get a random visitor when I am taking a gf thinks it's funny to put him in when my eyes are closed washing my hair


lol. Someone was bound to do it. =)

It still takes my bf and I to bathe Stiggy. I control the shower head while he soaps and rinses him thoroughly. I say Stig's neutral about it. He doesn't quite look forward to bath time but yet knows not to get our of the tub.
Delilah doesn't really mind baths. She doesn't LOVE them, but she doesn't necessarily dislike them, either. It just depends on the day, lol. Regardless she always sits really well for me.
Cutty used to LOVE them and still Loves the idea of them although something must have irritated him at a time to cause him to grumble now as I put him in the shower. He used to jump in and I actually had to spell bath so that he wouldnt get excited. Now I think the excitement is more for being clean after and the cookie he gets. lol Mugsy has never cared much for it ever.
Lucy is indifferent. She will let us get her in the bath and stand there while I wash n shower her, but the when it's all done she is eager to run off n shake it off :lol:
Princess Gracie tolerates bathtime..... she pretty much just stands there but that is the way she treats anything we do with her.. indifference :)
I'm pretty fairly certain that Biggie hates baths and us for giving them to him. The only thing that keeps him in the tub/sink (when he was smaller), is the knowledge that he will be in BIG trouble if he jumps out on us. He usually has that tense body that is moving away so slowly that he might appear to be perfectly still... lol.
Mine don't really care. Lucy will try to *sneak* out like she thinks if she moves slow enough we won't see her. lol. Gator just stands and takes it. It is as though he is resigned to the fact that it will happen if he likes it or not so why waste the energy to try to get away. Gypsy has only had a few and so far so good. She doesn't like it when I get into her tail pocket but I make her be still so I can be sure it is completely clean AND dry.
Speaking of baths, we have been just filling the tub up to about his knee level and then kind of giving him a sponge bath. Is it OK just to stand them under the shower and shampoo him like that? I have been terrified of getting water in his ears but I don't think he is getting as clean as he could be.
[MENTION=2087]pdac1975[/MENTION] You can take wadded up cotton balls and put in his ears to help keep water out. Then after the bath use an ear cleaner- the one from the vet is best. It has something in it that dries any wet in the ear (probably alcohol related)

It' really important to rinse shampoo off thoroughly because dried on shampoo can cause irritation/allergy symptoms.
[MENTION=2087]pdac1975[/MENTION]..witch hazel is great for ears too! I put some on a cotton pad and clean out jakes ears. It is a drying agent so it's great after a bath to make sure ears are dry! Both my dogs love this part I actually use this every other day on jakes ears and always part of a bath!

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