Any Tweeters or Twitters out there?


Staff member
Community Veteran
Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
Bulldog(s) Names
The Home of the Desert Sky Pack
So, if you look to your left- you see a tweetboard. So I tweeted but I really don't understand how this works. LOL

So can an experienced tweeter explain it to me? Does anyone see a tweet on the tweet board when they open it?

Thanks for the tweety advice!
i dont know anything about the tweeter... i opened it and didnt see a post
i forgot my twitter password lol. I dont know how it works either so I just fb. I'm sure someone on here likes to TWEET:up:
Yes, I am hoping someone can tweet me back LOL So I can see a tweet. Tweet tweet!
[MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION] not sure how the tweetboard works here but I am on twitter @bdelaney
yeah I don't see any tweets on there. I totally tweet confused LOL
Ok I read up on it a bit and it says something like streams may take 24 hours to establish. So I will figure it out another day!
Ok, I think we got the tweetboard up and running! :) If my fellow tweeters [MENTION=925]wfd38383[/MENTION] [MENTION=355]gatorfan85[/MENTION] can tweet so we can see if tweeting tweets as it should be tweeted. :D
I saw it, yeah it works!!!

So, the benefit to this would be, that guests can tweet about English Bulldog News while they are here, without registering with EBN. I do hope, however, they will register with us and join in the fun!

Remember this, social networking is almost the 'key to success' if you are trying to do something positive in the world. Word of mouth is almost the same now as social networks, so if you think your facebook 'likes' and your 'tweets' and your 'diggs' and shares don't make a difference, they DO. As I continue to learn more about the internet and how it all works, I am hoping we can continue to help other bulldog owners, and STRIVE to find homes for the rescue dogs, and TEACH more about dog food. I find myself with tears in my eyes EVERYDAY, and these are TEARS OF JOY, because I see the difference in the dog food changes, I read all of your responses and testimonials, I am overjoyed that we are continuing to spread the word. And thank you ALL for helping us do it and being a part of it. THANK YOU!

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