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So last night after all of my cooking I noticed Tubs had a red eye and he couldn't keep it open and it just didn't look right. I decided to wait until the morning to see if it was any better. This morning it looked better, so I thought it was just a fluke thing. Well, when I got home from work today his eye was all messed up again. He had a hard time keeping his eye open, he hasn't been playing at all and he has been restless with sleeping. I called the vet and they said to bring him right in because eyes are an emergency. She stained his eye to make sure there weren't any scratches, which there weren't. She thinks it might be a bacterial infection that is causing an inflamation of his eye and his eye is getting covered by the extra/inflammed skin. UGGG!
I also thought he had a fever, but she said he didn't. I am going to get him a thermometer all his own just to make sure. The vet gave him steroid drops for his eye and will take another look at him on Thursday when we take him in to get neutered. He is sleeping again....I hope he is ok!