Another newbie from Texas here!


New member
Dec 17, 2010
Houston, Texas
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi everyone! I'm so glad to have found this forum. I've been owned by pugs for years, but I adopted my first English Bulldog in early September. His name is Hoagie and is about 5 years old...and the sweetest, most loving teddy bear ever. :heart:

I'm looking forward to getting to know some of you and learning more about this amazing and wonderful breed.

Sherrie, mom to Hoagie :bully: and Emmy-pug :heart:
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welcome, you will love this site, the people are great and the things you can learn about English Bulldogs is amazing, just ask and some one will know.
Hello and welcome! This is a very friendly bulldog loving group here! Thank you for joining us!
Welcome, and Hoagie looks like a big ball of muscle, beautiful bully!! Like everyone else has said you are going to love this site!
Welcome Sherrie,Hoagie and Emmy.
Welcome to the site! Hoagie is a cutie and I LOVE the name. :D Would LOVE to see more pics and your pug too! We have a few pug owners as well on here and I have to say as awesome as my bully Cutty is, my puggy Mugsy is just as great! Both are such great breeds! Feel free to ask any questions, dont be shy.
Hoagie is very handsome... Welcome to EBN.... Join right in ;)
Hi, and welcome to the site!!

Hoagie looks like a big ball of beautiful bullie! Just love that cute face .. so smoochy. Can't wait to see more pics of him!!
Welcome!!! I love Hoagies name! SO very fitting and he is such a cutie pie! Feel free to post picks of your puggy babies too. WE love all breeds

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