Another Example of training the *right* way means success

  • Thread starter Baxter Tiberius
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Baxter Tiberius

As I have mentioned several times, Baxter is very timid sometimes. He's a gentle little guy. Except at the dog park where he bulldozes everyone in sight and has to be put in the quiet room LOL ...Anyways I live in a condo with no grass anywhere near, so I have a patch of grass outside on the balcony. I eventually splurged for an insert that fit in the sliding glass door, and had a doggy door at the bottom. But this thing was so heavy, and uses Magnets to stay shut, that baxter would nudge it with his forehead, then sit there, and pee on the floor. He wouldn't go through it. He thought the magnets meant it was secured shut.

This became very frustrating for me as I now had to tape open the doggy door, or else he would poop and pee all over the house inside again. I tried and tried to train him to push on the door, but to no avail. When I would pull the door open with his "nudge" ... he would walk through then run like hell because it would "SNAP" really loud behind him (the magnets). Then rains and 40mph winds came to Miami and my entire condo was full of 85 degree humidity day and night. It was miserable. Crap and poop everywhere, or prop open the door and drenched in my own sweat.

Then one day I was eating Peanut butter ..... lol.

Mister Baxter was pretty much having a temper tantrum because of how badly he wanted some. When I was done, I gave him a little lick, and he smacked and licked the air in pure bliss for a solid 2 minutes. Then he began to chase me around the apartment while jumping. I still had some peanut butter. So I went to his doggy door. Closed it shut tight. And I went outside. With the spoon. And waved it near the door. Baxter pretty much slammed into the doggy door with full force, blasting through to the other side where his reward of peanut butter bliss was waiting for him. WOW!!!!!!!!!! So I went back in and latched the door shut with magnets again. Nice and secure. BULLDOZER right through the door again, no regard for the scary latching noise behind him. After 3-4 weeks of stepping in puddles of crap and drenched in my own sweat, baxter just walked the full length of the condo (3 bedrooms and one whole living room away) smacked open that doggy door, and peed on his patch of grass. I think I looked like a fool freaking out with joy. He got blueberries and peanut butter. and about 5 minutes of praise. :) Now that hard to open doggy door is no big deal to Baxter.

After 3-4 weeks of failures, it took 10 seconds and the right *method* to train him what to do. Im finding this to be the case time and time again with him :)

Texas Carol

Texas Carol....put the heart in EBN
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Jul 4, 2012
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Good job, both of you!

As we advise newbies all the time, for a's all about the food


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May 2, 2013
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As I read your post-a big smile came over my face. I am so happy for you! I know the wonderful feeling when they finally "get it"! Each day, I think we all learn a new "trick of the trade" as it seems no matter how many dogs/pets we've had we can always find something more that works! Bullies are always teaching US something new!!
This is the Bullie "discovery channel!"

Jennifer Clark

I can handle the whiskey, if you can handle the nu
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Good Boy Baxter!!!!! YAY!!! I so LOVE reading about Baxters successes and LOVE reading about how happy they make you and your reactions!!!

sent from my Droid RAZR with love!


The Yacking Scuzz Brush Toilet King
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Aug 29, 2013
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Gunny Highway
Thank you for posting this! I think it very helpful to read these. I am a first time bully owner and these stories always help me out one way or another.

Congrats to you and Baxter!!! You guys make a good team!


Skinny-Dippin' Smokin' Tidy Bowl Bionic Woman
Jul 18, 2013
Long Island NY
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Brutus, Frankie, and Jack
Yay Baxter! Isn't it amazing how they will do anything for food. As always your posts are funny and entertaining.


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May 18, 2013
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Yay!!! That is so awesome :) I dont know what it is about peanut butter!!!! Every since Daisy was tiny she has been obsessed. It took her about a week to recognize the sound of the jar being opened. I just about fell to the floor with astonishment.. That lil pig was in the other room, heard me twist off the lid and came running and drooling.. Lol They are completely driven by food~ lol


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Good for Baxter and very good for you! And isn't it funny...Dudley does not like peanut butter. He will spit out a cracker that has peanut butter on it! They are funny little dogs!

Baxter Tiberius

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I guess I spoke too soon. Or the rule is true, once they're fully trained, they totally backslide as if theyd never been trained. I've heard several people cautioned me about that on here. He was doing so well for several days.

Today he doesn't even remember how to get out the door. He just looks at it, confused, and doesn't even push on it. So strange.

And he has Peed right in front of me five times all over the apartment today. Something he hasn't done in months. I don't know what's up with him today.

It's like their brain just turns off or something. Like they get a "brain block" and revert back to pre-training.

he isn't even walking to the door anymore. He's just peeing right in front of me... Then his ears go flat on his head, his head goes up in the air, and this horrified book appears on his face, because he knows he's done something wrong. The body language is almost funny. He seriously looks horrified. Yet, I don't know why he still does it.

All five times today, I have verbally said no! Clapped my hands a little bit, picked him up gently and carried him to his doggie door. Lifted his paw and pushed on it to show him that it opens, and nudged him outside. Doesn't seem to help. Even tried the peanut butter. He didn't respond to that. So I got out the honey LOL.

This is just so strange. But I guess it's back to the drawing board. LOL


I'm not who moved my bulldog?
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That was less than 24 hours..... back to step one. Stinkers aren't they


I couldn't make this sh*t up if I tried!
Jul 21, 2010
Bradenton Fl.
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Oh sorry to hear, I always thought I had potty training down then Vegas would prove me wrong in the beginning!! I swear one time he smiled at me as he was squatting like a girl and taking a whiz in front of me, 2 ft. from the back door. Thank god I have all tile through out the house. I don't miss potty training at all!!

Baxter Tiberius

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Bully mama he was good for about for five days. Then suddenly it just fell apart. I honestly have a strong feeling it has to do with doggy daycare. He went there all day yesterday, and he's allowed to just pee anywhere He wants. I feel like they are undoing all my training. There's no other explanation.


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Nov 16, 2012
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I am sitting here, laughing hysterically, Bogey is like, "huh? I'm not doing anything to make her laugh like that"! Ceaser Milan ain't got NUTHIN' on you!! Love this!!! ( ok, had a glass of wine that helped with the laughing mood!) this is truly great! The things we do to make our bullies THINK it's their idea!!

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