Allergies, Mange, dermatitis?


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Mar 22, 2010
Central Mass
Bulldog(s) Names
Bruin & Lilly
allergy1.jpgallergy.jpgallergy2.jpgallergy3.jpgI have attached some pictures. 2 of his sides and 2 of his paws. I'm not sure if this is allergy, ringworm, a type of dermatitis. Don't have a clue. About 6 months ago I brought Bruin to the vet and they gave him antibiotics. a few weeks after he was done with the antibiotics his skin cleared up for about 2 weeks and it went back to what you see in the pictures. Just wondering if anyone has any ideas. I know I probably need to bring him to the vet and do an allergy test. any ideas would be greatly appreciated :)
Oh my could be food related. what do you feed him?
I have a question......Before the hair falls out, are there little scabs? I ask because my female bullie, Layla, has a condition called Pemphigus foliaceous. Its where there immune system actually attacks the skin...she usually has bald spots or uneven hair as it grows back. My Vet always assumed it was staph infections and the antibiotics and steroids do help, but it was actually this condition. Any time she gets even a triggers it. They have to do a biopsy of the skin to diagnosis this disorder. For Layla, it does not affect her pads or mouth, but it does in some dogs. The feet could be yeast and allergy related. I only recently learned of this condition after talking to another person who's bullie also has it. My Vet is great but never mentioned this....could be worth looking into......
Pemphigus Foliaceous in Dogs |
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I feed Nature's Variety Instinct Turkey & Duck. For about 4 months now. I give him Instinct lamb biscuits for treats. Sometimes I'll boil some chicken breast and give it as a topping for them since they get bored with the food. No table scraps, no wheat. Saturday night I started to give him Petco Allergy Tablets. I saw a difference in mood, but not too much in skin & paws, which i know will take longer to see. I just soaked his paws in an epsom salt & water mixture. I've been putting udderly smooth on his paws before he goes to bed.
Tyson is having the exact same problem, the vet gave us antibiotics too. We have changed food and are about to finish the antibiotics and we will see what happens. Keep me updated.
Sometimes there are scabs, but sometimes it's yellowish flakes of skin. I'll definitely check into the Pemphigus foliaceous. Thank you!!
not sure about the body but that is yeast on the pads. the redness in between and the yellow on the pads is yeast. im guessing the bald spots to maybe its hard to tell from the pics. its usually allergy related from food or could be environmental. soaking in epsom is good or if you can get some ketoconazole and chlorhexidine shampoo from the vet to wash and soak in. i order mine from entirelypets online. its called ChloraSeb. i have to soak sarahs paws to. she has interdigital cysts also. i soak her twice a week and it has made a huge difference. i also bathe her in it as she has some yeast on her back. im wondering if they are having other symptoms such as runny nose or eyes or such. well i hope it gets better.
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Bruin does have a runny nose! Every once in awhile he'll have a white eye boogey. I don't understand how it could be yeast. Grrr. At first I thought it was yeast and that's why I went to Nature's Variety Instinct. It doesn't have potatoes in it. What else could be causing the yeast? Layla's hair loss exactly like Bruin's. At one point I was worrying that it was ringworm, because some of the "sores" are almost perfectly round. But I would think if it was ringworm, that Lilly, my boyfriend and I would have it also.
Allergies can easily explain the eye boogers and runny nose...even yeast. It could be food, seasonal or environmental. I also feed NVI...but the salmon. Its a very good food for most bullies. My Vet thought it was ringworm when he first saw her but quickly ruled that out, then staph infections (this is true which is why the treatment works) But it was this condition that caused them for her. Layla had a horrible time with her skin this summer but it was better than last summer so Im hoping we have a handle on it. She was half bald when we adopted her.
well there could be something else in the food causing it. tapioca has a very high glycemic index. could be the protein could be a preservative. could be the grass outside or mold or wool. save yourself alot of trouble and get an allergy test. ive had sarah on like 12 different foods and while she is doing better im having a devil of a time getting rid of the yeast on her paws and such. it is much better due to the baths and soaks but i think she has environmental allergies as well. i had sarah on two different nvi with no succes. doesnt mean that you cant have success. they do have a limited ingredient one or you could just try a different protein one. ive heard of people having to try several to find one that works. good luck
Thank you everyone! I think I'm going to call the vet to schedule an allergy test. They just take blood for that right? What's the allergy test where they have to poke your skin several times? Or is that only a human one :confused:
i think you can get either. i believe the blood test is cheaper but not as accurate as the other one. depends on how you want to go. havent done it just heard.
this is exactly was Reilly looks like. I take him to the dog dermatologist. he has been on simplicef antibiotic for a month and it has done wonders for his skin. i also switched him to california natural lamb and rice. i would go to a dog dermatologist if you have any in your area. ask for simplicef antibiotic. we found a regime that has kept these allergies under control.
That's exactly what we have been dealing with Guinness, have tried multiple meds and shampoos to no.avail. food change is taking place this week, is on fromm salmon a la veg right now

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