Adding a second Bulldog to the family..need advice


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Dec 26, 2013
Alpharetta, GA
Bulldog(s) Names
Lou Ferrigno
hey guys, I cant find any threads on this, if there is, please let me know..

my man and I already have one Bully.. Mr. Lou Ferrigno. he just turned one, we are getting him fixed in late january. Currently he is very energentic and at times rebellious. like he will be playing nicely with his toys and then randomly look at us and start barking and jumping and biting to play im assuming, but when we tell him no, he argues until we put him in time out (the other room w/ the door closed)

He's usually pretty well behaved but like small children he can be pretty bratty. I think he's just bored and he needs a brother or a sister. My man thinks he just needs strick training and we dont need a second dog any time soon.

My question is, have any of you been in the same boat as far as having a crazy bullie and bringing another one into the equation, did it help fix their crazieness? would you suggest a female or a male? Lou is Alpha. he was the biggest in the litter and he thinks he's the boss (even though he knows he's not) but he always trys, and if anyone lets him get away with it he will dominate...

If getting another dog is a good idea, what kind of dog would be good? he loves to play with big dogs, but i think a small dog would teach him to be gentle (hes EXTREMLY gentle with babies and generally pretty gentle with small dogs)

would another bullie be best because they tire out the same and can both play rough? or would something totally diff be good to?

my man said i can get another fur baby if i do enough research and show him it would be ok.

another thing, do i get another puppy or do i get one thats close to his age already?
I would love to get a frenchie or a white EB girl (name her Olga and put a big ol bow on her head :D)

alright i think thats enough questions here haha let me know what you think or ideas/ advice anything? i just dont know where to start? or should he simply be an only child?


Head Pooper Scooper
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Well from what I have read, I don't think another male would be a good idea, since he is alpha and wants to dominate other dogs. He may be too rough for a pup, so I would find one close to his age. Sometimes when they get tired they will start to play rougher than usual, that is the time for a time out, and it sounds like that is what you do, so that is good. You can get some very good and loving dogs from a rescue so you might keep that in mind. If you find one you like, take him to meet the other dog and see how they get along, as some do not get along very well.


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You're not going to like my opinion, but here comes….I don't think it's good idea to get another before the first one has settled, matured and calmed down a bit. The pup is going to learn from the older one any way, so it would be better to learn some good manners….I'm with your hubby with this one.


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Dec 26, 2013
Alpharetta, GA
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Lou Ferrigno
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You're not going to like my opinion, but here comes….I don't think it's good idea to get another before the first one has settled, matured and calmed down a bit. The pup is going to learn from the older one any way, so it would be better to learn some good manners….I'm with your hubby with this one.

haha youre right.. i dont like that advice very much.. but he said the same thing. he says that once we have lou molded into the perfect dog then we can get one. and sadly i am agreeing with him as well. I'm sure once he gets fixed we are going to take him to a trainer to fine tune him. i know next time i wont be picking the biggest dog in the litter! LOL he's a beast and has the mindset of one too :p

i guess my future fur child will just have to wait :)

thanks for the input though!!!! i just wish it was in my favor rather than my other half hahaha


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Dec 26, 2013
Alpharetta, GA
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Lou Ferrigno
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Well from what I have read, I don't think another male would be a good idea, since he is alpha and wants to dominate other dogs. He may be too rough for a pup, so I would find one close to his age. Sometimes when they get tired they will start to play rougher than usual, that is the time for a time out, and it sounds like that is what you do, so that is good. You can get some very good and loving dogs from a rescue so you might keep that in mind. If you find one you like, take him to meet the other dog and see how they get along, as some do not get along very well.

i agree with the not getting another male part, but he's very gentle with small animals and babies that he has met.. but then he can turn around the next second and be all crazy and rough with the big dog next to him. so he understands that part, but i deff want to get a sister for him.. i think that would be the best as far as gender. :) thanks for your input!!

Pati Robins

I'm Polish what did you expect! A lady like person
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First of all make sure your boy is well socialized and tolerate visitor dogs in his home ,some bullies even tho are friendly outside prefer to be the only dog in the house
I would advise same as others -wait till your baby mature and then try and add another member
It not have to be s bulldog -we got 2 different breeds and its ok as advised check rescues and shelters ,they are many many great dogs there
Mixed gender would be advisable -we got 2 females both tend to be dominant (with sone things) but we are managing it as i got some experience with domination
Also consider if you can afford vet bills (or dog insurance) even if you get a pup from top breeder it isnt a guarantee that at some point when you least expect it will need a vet -like sundays and public Holliday's in my case lol or before insurance first 14 days are up lol
Same goes for food bills,traveling etc ;-)


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Dec 26, 2013
Alpharetta, GA
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First of all make sure your boy is well socialized and tolerate visitor dogs in his home ,some bullies even tho are friendly outside prefer to be the only dog in the house
I would advise same as others -wait till your baby mature and then try and add another member
It not have to be s bulldog -we got 2 different breeds and its ok as advised check rescues and shelters ,they are many many great dogs there
Mixed gender would be advisable -we got 2 females both tend to be dominant (with sone things) but we are managing it as i got some experience with domination
Also consider if you can afford vet bills (or dog insurance) even if you get a pup from top breeder it isnt a guarantee that at some point when you least expect it will need a vet -like sundays and public Holliday's in my case lol or before insurance first 14 days are up lol
Same goes for food bills,traveling etc ;-)

thanks pati!! he deff enjoys visitors in home and out of home... he thinks everyone wants to play... he hasnt learned that not everyone wants to play with him, but he also wants to hump hump hump, but once hes fixed that should calm him down and his humping inst as bad as it used to be. its gotten ALOT better, but we will deff be waiting until he is a model citizen! i dont need him teaching the new dog any bad habits :p

Rural mystic

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When and if you decide to get another dog [and it sounds like you have decided to wait a while until your big boy settles down a bit] I personally would get another bully. They like to play rough, even when its just play, and can be a bit tough on a smaller breed. But if its a hardy breed like another bully breed it probably would be ok as far as the rough play but another bulldog would be my choice.


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Dec 26, 2013
Alpharetta, GA
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Lou Ferrigno
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When and if you decide to get another dog [and it sounds like you have decided to wait a while until your big boy settles down a bit] I personally would get another bully. They like to play rough, even when its just play, and can be a bit tough on a smaller breed. But if its a hardy breed like another bully breed it probably would be ok as far as the rough play but another bulldog would be my choice.
[MENTION=7587]Rural mystic[/MENTION] i agree with stayin in the bullie family!! i am leaning toward a frenchie (that was our second choice if we could find an EB) but now that i have an EB i just dont knowif i want a frenchie... theyre both amazing dogs, and i would just love to have to fat wrinkly bullies... Lou isnt very wrinkly :( hes a great looking boy and all, but i want one that has wrinkles for daysssss :)


I'm not who moved my bulldog?
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I have a VERY head strong dominate 8 yr old female Bulldog... we added an 8 month old male Frenchie to the family when Banks was 6... it took about three weeks for them to really settle into each other. One week of neutral site visits and walks, before we brought Cheli home, then two weeks in home before he was comfortable with her dominance and she 'allowed' him to play with her. Now, two years later, they are good buds, know each others limits and do well together - they have their moments where she is just down right nasty, but we have to keep her in check at all times regardless of him.

Just keep in mind, if you do decide to get a second baby, definitely go with a female and choose on personality not look, you wnat them to balance out and be able to accept each other in your pack.


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Dec 26, 2013
Alpharetta, GA
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Lou Ferrigno
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I have a VERY head strong dominate 8 yr old female Bulldog... we added an 8 month old male Frenchie to the family when Banks was 6... it took about three weeks for them to really settle into each other. One week of neutral site visits and walks, before we brought Cheli home, then two weeks in home before he was comfortable with her dominance and she 'allowed' him to play with her. Now, two years later, they are good buds, know each others limits and do well together - they have their moments where she is just down right nasty, but we have to keep her in check at all times regardless of him.

Just keep in mind, if you do decide to get a second baby, definitely go with a female and choose on personality not look, you wnat them to balance out and be able to accept each other in your pack.

thanks!! thats great advice! :) we are going to be looking into fostering for the local bulldog rescue group here in GA. :) once my Lou is all in check first :)

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