A Day in the Fields


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Bulldog(s) Names
Nyala, Jake (R.I.P. Duke)
Since itā€™s starting to get cooler nowadays, I tend to bring Nyala n Jake out in the fields more for exercise. Sadie, well she can run 24/7. Sheā€™s like a torpedo. Nyala tries keeping up with Sadie with that Chuck-it ball, but nowhere close. At least she still wants to play n run. Jake, couldnā€™t care less, but thatā€™s Jake. He grabs the chuck-it n takes off with it šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø. Even tried a cow patty n realized it wasnā€™t food šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

Time to get a real cameraā€¦.them on cell phones arenā€™t that great.


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Cute photos, looks like you have Lots of acreage for them to run around.

The Chuck it thrower is bigger than Jake and he still holds it!! Thatā€™s so cute and funny. He probably doesnā€™t want you to throw the ball for Nyala and Sadie for why Jake holds the thrower!!
What a load of fun that is!
Run Jake run! Ha!ha! /why burn energy when there is no food reward! Right,Jake?
LOL... Jake's face after trying the cow patty!!! LOL Helene, I love you land... so beautiful!!
Thank you. Today was the harvesting . Empty All potatoes are out, tomatoes, butternut n zucchiniā€™s. Tomorrow carrots n parsnips. All summer the cows ate all the turnips, beets, carrots etc. A lot went to the food banks as I did last yr too. With everything thatā€™s going on nowadays n having space, I figured plant sections for food banks. Itā€™s backbreaking but worth it. I feel good doing it.

LOL... Jake's face after trying the cow patty!!! LOL Helene, I love you land... so beautiful!
Great pictures and beautiful land you got there!
Thank you. Today was the harvesting . Empty All potatoes are out, tomatoes, butternut n zucchiniā€™s. Tomorrow carrots n parsnips. All summer the cows ate all the turnips, beets, carrots etc. A lot went to the food banks as I did last yr too. With everything thatā€™s going on nowadays n having space, I figured plant sections for food banks. Itā€™s backbreaking but worth it. I feel good doing it.
I LOVE IT!!!! as crazy as the world is... we still need to care for each other where we can

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