12 week old puppy being aggressive


New member
Sep 27, 2022
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi there guys I posted before about my puppy junior, heā€™s now 12 weeks old. He is still growling aggressively and lunging to bite us and bites I have tried saying no and ignoring him when he starts to do this and put him to heā€™s bed, Iā€™ve tried rewarding him. Iā€™ve also tried walks and tiring him out, he has lots and lots of different types of toys but he would rather bite us. I have 3 children 7,4 and almost 2 so itā€™s just been so hard as I donā€™t know what to do or try heā€™s just so out of control. Any advice would be amazingly appreciated. Thank you x
Hi there guys I posted before about my puppy junior, heā€™s now 12 weeks old. He is still growling aggressively and lunging to bite us and bites I have tried saying no and ignoring him when he starts to do this and put him to heā€™s bed, Iā€™ve tried rewarding him. Iā€™ve also tried walks and tiring him out, he has lots and lots of different types of toys but he would rather bite us. I have 3 children 7,4 and almost 2 so itā€™s just been so hard as I donā€™t know what to do or try heā€™s just so out of control. Any advice would be amazingly appreciated. Thank you x
I recall you posting this onceā€¦ā€¦.Heā€™s only 3 months old. Jr still hasnā€™t understood yet whoā€™s the boss. You have your hands full with 3 small kids. You or your husband will need to decide who takes care of Jr. If itā€™s you, you will need to stay on it every single day till Jr gets it. What always worked for me is when any dog growls or especially when they lundging is is grab the dog n put him to his side lying there without moving for a good few minutes with a firm NO. Repeat if necessary.
I have a 3 month old puppy as well. They are teething and so they try to bite everything including body partsā€¦whatever they can get their mouths on. Fortunately for me, I also have her mother so she keeps her in check and will also correct her. Sheā€™s being a puppy and I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s aggressive, itā€™s just puppy behavior and they need the consistent correction. They do eventually grow out of it so there is light at the end of the tunnel!
Look up the training technique nothing in life is freeā€¦. As others mentioned, this is all typical puppy behavior and you have to train and correct .
At what age was this pup brought to its new home?
My opinion is to keep a leash on him. If you have time to work with him, learn the proper way to use a "choke chain". Do not leave it on him-only when you can work with him-if you do not know how to use the chain,have someone knowledgeable teach you.properly used, it will not hurt him use gently but firmly.. When you are not teaching him, do not leave chain on him, but attach leash to harness or collar and let him drag it. If he jumps on the kids, or bites, correct him saying "no jumping, or no bite" firmly,pulling him off. Biting-keep a special chew(not rawhide) to give him,saying here "bite this!" Do not let your children tease him. You have to teach the children also, at the same time. It will take time,hands on and determination on your part, as he needs to learn that YOU are in charge! If you do not teach him now, you will never have control and you will have an unruly out of control dog. He is a beautiful boy, and now is the time to get a handle on this. When he is old enough, also have him neutered-training him is #1 right now.
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