
New member
Mar 18, 2016
Worcester, Mass
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi all

So I am reaching out to this knowledgeable site to hope to hear on hand experiences with breathing issues. So to fill everyone in my boy Sirius is 15 months has had his nares, soft palate, and recently the sacialles done. he had the nares and palate done a 8 months old and everything seemed great after but few months went by and he got pneumonia twice a month apart. So it was brought up by both my vet and the er vet to revisit the soft palate, which we did. And the vet and surgeon said it looked great but the sacialles needed to be done so they did them. Now that all that is done we are coming out of the cold weather to warm and on our first 80 degree day he was real bad breathing wise. so my question to everyone here is what can we do from here? he is still a puppy and wants to play how do we deprive him of that and keep him in good health weight wise? Are there any other procedures people have heard of? how do you keep your bullys cool in summer? we have a kiddie pool, cooling mats, misters, and a/c on in house but he loves to sit outside.

I am sorry if some of this is scrambled as I am on my cell phone typing this but i just needed to get it up and on here as this is really a big subject for me as my boy is like our child and the priority in our home.

so please any suggestions or comments we would appreciate
my cheese.png
The second I went to read this I 'thought' I had the answers but nope!! you already did all that I could think of ... including one I've never heard of " sacialles "... I even looked it up and couldn't find. What is that?
Have they checked for laryngeal collapse? Pippen had her palate done a year ago and just had her nares done on Monday and the vet said she also had laryngeal collapse and couldn't believe how well she breaths for having it. She said since she is still breathing fine now that nothing would need to be done for it thank goodness

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When you say really bad... was it heavy panting or a struggle?

Anything over 70 starts to get Lambeau really panting even if he is just laying.

Can you post a video? It could be he is more sensitive to the temperatures

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Hi everyone sorry I have not responded been busy with work and forgot i posted. so I will get a video over the next few days, and I definitely think it has to do with temperature but it also seems that he gets short of breath real fast compared to other bullys.

I will be back asap with video and some more info

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