Yet Another anal gland question...


I couldn't make this sh*t up if I tried!
Jul 21, 2010
Bradenton Fl.
Bulldog(s) Names
I took Vegas hopefully today for his last allergy shot, it has been 4 weeks exactly and I noticed 3 days ago the itching of the face and ears non-stop. I do wash his face daily and clean his ears once a week, but I knew it was time for another shot.

Now that we are getting a little cooler here in Florida I hope he will be done til the spring. As soon as the vet gave him his shot he said "Does he need his anal glands internally done?" I said NO I have not seen him scooting, The vet did it anyway and you would not believe all that came out!!!! I don't get it! He is on Nature's Variety a High Protein food, his :poo: is hard rocks, and he still was this full, and I do mean alot came out. SSssheeewww the stench!!! :eek:I would think they would express by themselves with his stools being so hard!?!?

The vet said this breed just seems to have problems down there. Does anyone else have to get their bully's glands done every 4-5 weeks, it has been over 3 months that he has? Is there something more I could add to his diet to help that process along?
I had no idea. I guess I need to get Lola checked out. I don't see her scooting around but does scratch her butt every now and then on the concrete when outside. That's amazing.
Mugsy doesnt do any kind of scooting or show signs of needing it done ever. Cutty has never been full so I stopped having them check although I do think I will have them try again this next time for the heck of it to be sure. He hates it tho and Mugsy doesnt mind whatsoever. I think it is because for Mugs it is such a relief and Cutty well not so much. lol. It may not be so much the food as maybe the development of their anal glands maybe? I know a lot of bullies need them expressed so it may just be hit and miss.
Can't really help on this one ... Maggie will VERY occasionally scoot but I've never had to have her anal glands expressed. Daddy ... who knows yet??
[MENTION=390]cali~jenn[/MENTION], I did not even know what anal gland expression was until I found this site, and Vegas really only started doing the scoot about 4 months ago. I even ask the vet if there was something else I could add to his diet to help him along and he again said "this breed just seems to have issues" Vegas showed NO signs this time, I even told doc that he has not been scooting, his response was "when he starts scooting it is REALLY to late, so let me check" and sure enough a paper towel full of crap!! I agree with you that maybe it is the way his anal glands have developed, I never ever seen him do this as a pup in fact he was over a year when I noticed the scooting and posted it on this board to only find out about anal glands. I just hate the fact that I am going to have to take him every 5 weeks to get them done he HATES it, and then comes home and has a couple extra loose poo's for the day.
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[MENTION=574]TessaAndSamson[/MENTION], Thank You for that response, I thought something was wrong, or I was doing something wrong, even my vet said this breed is kind of prone to it. I feel alot better that he is not the only one!!
[MENTION=900]KMARINO[/MENTION] It's normal and not just a bulldog thing. It happens in other breeds. My in-laws daschunds need them done regularly, [MENTION=390]cali~jenn[/MENTION] her pug Mugsy needs it regularly, some just get full some don't.

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