Help Needed! Worried bully mama!

Frankie's Mama

New member
Jul 9, 2014
Muskegon, MI
Bulldog(s) Names
Frank the Tank Bowne AKA "Frankie"
My Frankie Boy turned two months old yesterday. When I got home from work my husband informed me that Frankie puked twice and had been napping for a while. He didn't eat much lunch and when I gave him his dinner he ate maybe one bite and was done. My son said that he caught Frankie getting into the cat food (the cat's bowl is on a ledge that I thought only they could get to but since Frankie is still small, smaller than the cat even, he can also get to it...) and he also finally admitted to giving him a small piece of pizza crust. I am wondering what you all think. I think that maybe the cat food made his tummy upset... I put him to bed early and he slept ALL night. Now this morning he seems back to his "normal" self.. He ate, albeit a very small amount, but he ate.. :nervous: I'm so nervous.. I just hope he is ok!!


New member
Jan 24, 2014
Bulldog(s) Names
Henry, Clyde-EB/basset hound and Macon
I have trouble with keeping Henry out of the cat food sometimes. I always know when he's been it it because he breaks out a little on his face. He only laps up what the cat doesn't finish so it's never very much. I've gotten better about letting kitty eat then picking up his bowl. Henry has never not eaten because of it but he has had some runny poo. Hopefully he is ok and just had an upset tummy. I've been overboard with telling the kids about Henry's allergies. I've pretty much told them he only gets his food and treats, green beans and homemade dried liver, if he eats anything else he could get sick and die. They like him so they don't let him eat other things. Good luck.


I'm not who moved my bulldog?
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Community Veteran
Jul 28, 2011
Gilbertsville, PA
Bulldog(s) Names
Chelios (Frenchie), Cubby (Frenchie) Nitschke (2004-2011) Banks (2005-2014) and Lambeau (2014-2024)
he should be fine... might have a runny :poo: today and most likely was just an upset belly.


Skinny-Dippin' Smokin' Tidy Bowl Bionic Woman
Jul 18, 2013
Long Island NY
Bulldog(s) Names
Brutus, Frankie, and Jack
Aww poor Frankie boy. I think he just had an upset tummy from eating thing he doesn't normally have. The pizza crust might have been a little tough to chew with two month old teeth so it could have been too large and it upset him. Just keep an eye on him and make sure there aren't any socks around that he could get. Also make sure he does not have any rope toys.


New member
Dec 13, 2012
Washington, DC
Bulldog(s) Names
Ruckus and Regina
I agree he likely just has an upset tummy, but watch him closely and if he isn't eating and drinking normally soon, I'd consider a trip to the vet. At 2 months old he's too young to be allowed to roam without direct supervision. Bullies at that age are like hungry little sharks that will chew, taste, and possible swallow anything. I understand not wanting to leave him crated, but maybe consider getting a puppy play pen that confines him to a specific area, but still lets him have some freedom to move about, for when you aren't right there. It will be safer for him and your mind will be at ease. On a side note, it's very important to let everyone in the family know not to feed your baby processed foods, or really any human food that you haven't approved. Things like pizza crust could contain onions or garlic which are very bad (deadly in large amounts) for dogs or your little guy could have an unknown allergy that acts up because of feeding him something like that.

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