Who has a stubborn EB?


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Jun 2, 2010
Bulldog(s) Names
Nothing and I mean NOTHING will stop Bear from doing something. Whipping his butt, yelling, moving him away from whatever he is doing thats bad. Nothing!!! Ok so the biting was curtailed by shunning him but this bully won't leave my beagle alone, I have to hold him down to get him to stop and then he still tries to play. I need another bully for Bear to play with i guess. My beagle is 13 so I don't let Bear mess with him too much. Anyway here I am typing with a laptop on my legs and a bully on my chest and I have to crane my neck to see what i am writing because he refuses to get off. He has cemented hisself to me.

Any suggestions on getting a bully to listen? :crazy:
I'll help you with Bear if you help me with O. My arms always have red marks on them because she thinks that swatting at me while I'm typing will make me pay attention. So, I ignore her. She climbs on my lap and gets on the table. Then she does this....

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and this..

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Once you have this figured out, please let me know. I still say we need Cesar Milan to join us and give us advice :yes:
With Cutty he listens when it comes to me disciplining him 99% of the time so long as I use the "Aght' sound. lol. (Really loud) No means nothing to him whatsoever. lol. Now when it comes to his being overly obsessed with something like the water hose or the vacuum the only way to make him listen is to put him in a sit/stay position cuz once he is focused on what he wants there is no stopping him without removing him from the situation altogether. Good luck with yours, one thing bulldogs are is STUBBORN!!! And if there is something Cutty does not want to do then watch out, there is really no making him. lol
Wish I could help but Mr.Beefy is also starting to show his BULL-headedness. Last night he made me give him a wrinkle massage for almost 2HOURS!!!. This morning I thought I would sleep in....OH NO Mr.Beefy was not having this at all. So he jumped his big meaty paws up on my bed(since he cant get onto the bed lol) and groaned in my ear until I got up. What a BULLY!!!!
LOL When people ask me about a bully's personality...thats the first thing out of my mouth! I have three and they are ALL stubborn. They wont even eat a treat if I "really want" them too. Its like they now there is medicine in them. I really did have to get Winston a Bully brother because he was determined to play/love on his 13 yr old Pomeranian brother, Mookie. Now he has a bully brother and sisiter and they are always in my way,tripping me, on my lap, all three sleep on my side of the bed....I wouldnt have it any other way :D
Stubborn? Try a 5 month old puppy that got it in his head last night that he'd bark every two hours, for about 25 minutes, to see if anyone would come get him. I was SO mad and this all started because my husband took him out of his cage ONE time a couple nights ago at 4 AM to go to the bathroom. ONE TIME. And it has been going on ever since!
@Libra, O is just so amazing!!! her behaviors and personality remind me so much of Bear. When I am on my desktop computer he actually tries to get on the desk. I say try because i am constantly batting him away otherwise he lays on the key board.

Stubborn and bulldog I suppose are synonymous. I am proud of my little guy though. He was playing rough with Rocky the beagle so i got on the floor to play with Bear. My gosh that boy is STRONG!!!! a ball of muscle. Anyway he was attacking my hands. When he would bite too hard, I would yell "no bite" and he would stop. They can be good when they want to be. Key when THEY want to. Lmao
Where do you think the term 'Bull-headed' comes from? lol
All these stories makes me wonder what antics Stiggy's going to try when he gets older. :D
wow lex and bo "lab" are always fighting i swear i have to seperate them every 5 mins and when lex gets worked up he starts trying to hump bos back leg, so we end up putting bo outside lol.... as far as being stubborn lex really isnt if he's getting into something i either tell him no sir or ill just say lexterwayne "in a deep voice" and he stops what he is doin... he does not like the word no!!! jeff "my bf" saw lex digging where bo had dug and jeff hollared at him no and started walking toward him, lex huffed put his head down walked away, the look on his face was priceless he looked so looked embarrassed we couldnt help but laugh at it. he knows if i middle name him that means he better listen or he'll get a bustin

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