Which one? How about both?


Pistol Packing Bullyagrapher
Staff member
May 5, 2010
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Vegas and Orion
Okay, I'm responding to a post on EBN, when Orion starts throwing a fit. I turn on my camera and catch it. When I'm done recording, I turn it off and Orion starts doing something else that I find hysterical. So, I turn the camera back on and record her again. So I got 2 priceless videos in one sitting....and since I like you guy soooooo much, I'm subjecting you to both.

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haha, great videos! I was surprised she wasnt drooling in the first video. All those tomatoes and all she gets is 1?
yep. One right then. Two before the camera came on. 3 while we were "farming". And 2 when we were cleaning them. AND who knows how many she snuck into her jowl pockets when she was "sniffing" them. She probably snuck at few then. :w00t:
Sorry but I had to share video #2. I thought I was gonna pee my pants. My son also complained that I never laugh at his jokes like that. :whistle:
You just gotta love Orion!!

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