What to teach Dozer next?


Supreme Overlord of Awesomeness
Community Veteran
Dec 31, 2010
Bulldog(s) Names
Who ever said bulldogs aren't smart obviously didn't spend much time with one. Dozer has already learned sit , down, stay , shake , high five and how to do push ups. He's a genius;). What should i teach him next? We are still practicing what we know every day and extending our stay times but we are ready for something new.
I want to see video of the push up trick!
ok will do but quality isnt great on my phone. its easy to teach just up and down
I used to know someone who could tell their dog to go get a specific toy from her toy box and she always went and got that toy. She probably had about twenty different toys and it didn't matter which one you asked her to go get she would bring the right one every time. (this was not a bully but I am sure with training a bully could do it)

I haven't seen him do it but my niece in Texas has a bully who bows. (my sister was telling me about it)
Skateboarding bullies are fun to watch too.

I do think bullies are much smarter than they are stereotypically thought to be. They just have the bullytude to go with it
Will you PLEASE come and train Vegas, he will sit, lay, and....well that's about it and it is ONLY if he wants to or a treat is involved! No shake, no high five and I have worked for months with him, treat involved and all, I get a shake once out of about 10 tries!
Will you PLEASE come and train Vegas, he will sit, lay, and....well that's about it and it is ONLY if he wants to or a treat is involved! No shake, no high five and I have worked for months with him, treat involved and all, I get a shake once out of about 10 tries!

Thats about three more things than Her Royal Stuborness does... :rolleyes:
Will you PLEASE come and train Vegas, he will sit, lay, and....well that's about it and it is ONLY if he wants to or a treat is involved! No shake, no high five and I have worked for months with him, treat involved and all, I get a shake once out of about 10 tries!

It's time to increase the value of the treat. If he's being stubborn, the treat isn't worth it to him. If you use something that is totally drool worthy, it might help him focus a little more. When in training...Vegas would not go thru the agility tunnel. It freaked him out and he put on the brakes. This was the final graduation day and the task had to be done. The trainer simply said...."Vegas, you are holding out for the good stuff, aren't you?" She went to the fridge and pulled out meat ball treat. He went thru it so fast AND turned around and did it again. My treats weren't worthy enough for him to enter the tunnel..
[MENTION=983]LariP[/MENTION] the skateboarding thing seems great except 1 I can't skateboard so does that make me unqualified? 2 the overbearing mother part of me worries he will get hurt lol . I may just try it when there is no snow on the ground. [MENTION=900]KMARINO[/MENTION] I would love too. I have yet to meet a dog I couldn't train. I work at a dog daycare and we take in the whole gamete of foster dogs. So I kind of had an unfair advantage at the start. Is it warm where you are because if so Dozer and I are packing our bags asap.
Yes would love to see the push ups also, thats new to me. How about roll over or play dead? My boys dont do either but it sounds good. lol.
@calli-jen Rollover sounds fun just wondering if he will be able to do it when he is a big round adult bully lol. If you put him on his back now he acts like a turtle that has been overturned. Its halarious to watch him wiggle and bark till he finally figures it out.
[MENTION=572]Libra926[/MENTION] taught Vegas R to "put your nose in the corner" and how to close doors. [MENTION=530]LisaRN[/MENTION] 's Chester can army crawl. You could try those.
Yup..here's my boy doing all his tricks.. he can also "spin" now. He turns around in a circle for a treat.

definately need to see some video's! Lola can sit, shake and lay down (and NOT on command..what a good girl :p) and swim...does that count and she can swim with and without a life vest....she just cannot go very far without one. We are working with Brodie but if we have a treat near by, he just cannot stand it and so focuses on the treat he is NOT paying attention to what we are saying.

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