Bella Cows Mama
New member
I am terrified of putting Bella under and her heat cycle isn't horrible. We use underware pulled tight around the waist with a cloth diaper pin and human pads . She doesn't act uncomfortable during it like some dogs do. It's not that messy and she does great with it. So, I don't mind adding a few more things to my chore list a couple times a year. I'm also not afraid of her getting pregnant (and don't intend on breading her) cause I am always with her if she is outside. But....what are the health concerns of not spaying and are they higher with bulldogs? I have heard of a uterin infection(name? starts with p?) but what are the odds? I'm so up in the air with what I want to do. I am mainly thinking of just putting it off for a year, because when she does get fixed there is talk of partially amputating her tail. I however, would like to wait and see if loosing some weight and becoming full grown might change the tail situation. Changing her food has already helped alot with her tail! Any oppinions or facts would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!