Help Needed! Urinary issues or marking


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Feb 6, 2014
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My bulldog Fletcher is 6 years old. Heā€™s on a grain free food with no chicken in it as we have fought allergies and skin issues for a year and a half and finally I think I figured out on my own that chicken was the big problem. He had a bladder inflection some months back, was peeing everywhere. He has had issues with marking more than he ever had before we moved two years ago. Itā€™s gotten so bad lately again I canā€™t have rugs down and our whole house is hard vinyl flooring. Iā€™m fed up and frustrated. Vet said his PH was 8, and wanted to put him on urinary formula food again from SD or Royal Canin. I donā€™t understand why his PH wouldnā€™t be low (acidic) and also is there any general advice for this condition and the terrible marking problems? I am so afraid to change his food, I will likely trade one problem for another. Thanks everyone

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Has he been checked for diabetes? He must be drinking more? Has the vet done a urine culture? Has he checked Fletcher's prostate? Cystitis? Stones? If the vet hasn't done a culture, or checked for these things I wouldn't change food,I would change Vets!
There must be something not right!


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Iā€™ve talked with my husband and weā€™ve watched him closely the last few days as we just returned from a trip. When he had a UTI before, he went pee in front of me several times. Right now, that we know of, heā€™s peeing on things while we are not here. Heā€™s done this from time to time just about his whole life. When we moved exactly two years ago, it got worse. Lately itā€™s really bad. In our new home he has almost constant outdoor access via a doggie door.... We wonder if heā€™s not stressed or something and itā€™s behavioral. Perhaps itā€™s time to try a kennel again. He hasnā€™t been crated regularly since he was about a year old, though.

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Head Pooper Scooper
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If a UTI has been ruled out and no other urinary problems, I would crate him when you are gone. Plus I never liked doggie doors with bullies, especially when you are not home to monitor them. I have heard of them going outside and getting too hot, then they will not come back in, they will lay out there and die of heatstroke.


I'm not who moved my bulldog?
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Iā€™ve talked with my husband and weā€™ve watched him closely the last few days as we just returned from a trip. When he had a UTI before, he went pee in front of me several times. Right now, that we know of, heā€™s peeing on things while we are not here. Heā€™s done this from time to time just about his whole life. When we moved exactly two years ago, it got worse. Lately itā€™s really bad. In our new home he has almost constant outdoor access via a doggie door.... We wonder if heā€™s not stressed or something and itā€™s behavioral. Perhaps itā€™s time to try a kennel again. He hasnā€™t been crated regularly since he was about a year old, though.

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It could be behavior for sure, but you have to rule out the issue that Lynn listed. Do not change food yet either... what brand/protein are you currently feeding.
Crating will help if it is behavior or stress related so definitley for now give it a try

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