Frank is already marking at 7 months!


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2017
Middle Georgia
Bulldog(s) Names
Bella (EBD) Roxy (pit mix) Tyson (pit mix) Sadie (boxer)
Is this normal?? I thought it would be closer to a year old. šŸ«¤
I saw him lift his leg on the back fence this morning for the first time! And i must say he did really well! Itā€™s been so long since we have had a male pup. Tyson was about 12 when we lost him about a year ago. Most of the time he didnā€™t even lift his leg. We got him neutered when he was almost 2. He hardly ever hit his mark when he lifted his leg. Lol
I was hoping to get him neutered before he started that! His brother has done it yet as far as my daughter says.
Here are some more recent pictures of the two of them.


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Rusty is my very first male dog, and he has never lifted his leg. He is 3 years old. Even before when he was neutered, never lifted his leg, but did try to hump my other dog at 6 months age.

I personally do not want him to lift his leg to pee either cause we donā€™t like dogs ā€œmarkingā€ on my moms plants. I like it just the way he is (squats to pee).

I do know some dogs though that have started lifting the leg at age 5 months old.
I only had males till Nyala. Itā€™s about the right age n some is younger.
Ok. Itā€™s been so long since weā€™d had a male pup. I donā€™t recall them being so young when they started. Both were raised with only females in the home.
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Rusty is my very first male dog, and he has never lifted his leg. He is 3 years old. Even before when he was neutered, never lifted his leg, but did try to hump my other dog at 6 months age.

I personally do not want him to lift his leg to pee either cause we donā€™t like dogs ā€œmarkingā€ on my moms plants. I like it just the way he is (squats to pee).

I do know some dogs though that have started lifting the leg at age 5 months old.
I have only had two other males.
I personally donā€™t like the marking either. I see some males do it constantly. My sisters came in my house and lifted his leg on my couch!! šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø thank goodness he is a small dog with not so good aim either! šŸ˜‚
I am hoping he isnā€™t one of those who has to mark everything. And i was wondering if is there away to stop it?
Maybe just correcting him every time he tries??
I can't even remember when Harvey started doing it.. but boy oh boy they are too cute!! Did they get a lil sip of that coors?? :laugh:
I have only had two other males.
I personally donā€™t like the marking either. I see some males do it constantly. My sisters came in my house and lifted his leg on my couch!! šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø thank goodness he is a small dog with not so good aim either! šŸ˜‚
I am hoping he isnā€™t one of those who has to mark everything. And i was wondering if is there away to stop it?
Maybe just correcting him every time he tries??

Yes definitely some males constantly mark.

That wouldā€™ve been bad if he did good for aim and get pee on your couch!

I am sure there is a way to stop the marking, I would try to say a firm NO or ā€˜bad peeā€™ and if you notice him sniff or However he acts like he needs to pee, send him outside, but not sure if that will work cause some dogs will mark even if itā€™s 1 drop they mark with. I havenā€™t had that issue(yet!) šŸ˜Š

I would try correcting him every time tries.
Yes definitely some males constantly mark.

That wouldā€™ve been bad if he did good for aim and get pee on your couch!

I am sure there is a way to stop the marking, I would try to say a firm NO or ā€˜bad peeā€™ and if you notice him sniff or However he acts like he needs to pee, send him outside, but not sure if that will work cause some dogs will mark even if itā€™s 1 drop they mark with. I havenā€™t had that issue(yet!) šŸ˜Š

I would try correcting him every time tries.
Tyson, the last male we had didnā€™t mark every thing he passed. My daughter said she someone with a couple of dogs in lowes yesterday that were marking everything they passed by. šŸ˜¤ That is what I DO want. šŸ«¤
FYI -- females lift legs and mark as well.... it is more of a personality thing.

Not one of out dogs lifted legs, except for Banks (female) when she wanted to mark or take ownership of something. There were two other females at dog daycare I worked at years ago - that lifted when wanting to own something. They were all very alpha type behavior
FYI -- females lift legs and mark as well.... it is more of a personality thing.

Not one of out dogs lifted legs, except for Banks (female) when she wanted to mark or take ownership of something. There were two other females at dog daycare I worked at years ago - that lifted when wanting to own something. They were all very alpha type behavior
He really only did it that one day, I havenā€™t seen him do it again. šŸ¤ž He did it on our walk that day a couple of times too , but not since.
Bella actually has marked over all of our others after they go for as long as I can remember.

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