Help Needed! Toilet Training 6MO!


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2014
Dallas, Texas (Richardson)
Bulldog(s) Names
Thanks so so much everyone for your replies, I really appreciate it! I think to be honest I've bitten off more than I can chew, in hind-site we should have waited a year before getting her, but she's her now and we love her! I think I am going slowly crazy, but I'm sticking with it! We do create her and actually on the front she's great, sleeps there all night and is usually dry when we go out for a couple of hours, had the odd accident but rare. Today I've taken her out to the garden (in the pouring Glasgow rain!) after meals, play, sleep with treats and the clicker (and a screaming toddler cause mummy is outside!) and she's done literally nothing!!!! The tiniest pee which I made a big fuss of and gave treats, but nothing else, and she's had breakfast and lunch!! So I'm putting her back in the create for 10 minutes then trying again, which she's hating! The joy! I'm determined to do this, just not a clue how!! Will try to just focus on her for a while but it is really hard, it's literally a full-time job on it's own! And she's never been a chewer, but is currently trying to eat all the toys so I'm trying to keep her out of the playroom, which is where I actually am half the time!!! Ahhhh!!! Just want this bit to be over!! Anyone fancy a holiday to Glasgow to potty train my bully! Ha I need a nanny for the dog, not the kids!!!

Thanks again everyone, glad I found this forum, hoping you will all keep me sane!!


Oh dear! I can sooo sympathize with you. I have toddler grandsons (15 months) and when they come over to stay it's really difficult with my Winnie who is 7 months old. She's been doing pretty well. The last time we had the kids come stay for a couple of days, she had not had an accident for a week, but she had a couple of accidents while they were here. It's just so hard to take care of a toddler and a puppy! And Winnie tries to chew up all the baby toys. She ends up spending extra time in the crate, for sure. I've had the same feeling of biting off more than I can chew with Winnie. I love her dearly, but if I had it to do over, I think I would have adopted an older bully.

One thing I did with Winnie when she was 5 or 6 months old was start feeding her twice a day rather than three times, so she doesn't poop as many times a day. And this may just be a Winnie quirk, but when I get a bag and paper towels to pick up the poop in the yard, Winnie always poops for me. One of my prior bullies did the same thing, every time.

It sounds like you are doing everything right to me. Just give it a little more time and she will get it. I really can't think of any other pointers that have worked for me, except to use the crate as a tool if she doesn't pee in the crate. I also put the toddler on my hip and we both go out with Winnie. I have to keep him up out of her reach or she will knock him over!:) Well, one more thing: Most dogs poop after they eat--Winnie never did and still doesn't! If that is the case with Jessie, you might jot down the times she poops for a few days to help you set a schedule for her. Good luck and hang in there!

Paul Stott

New member
Dec 29, 2014
just a quick one would a dog flap in door not be a answer if you say she waits at back door ,ive heard really positive reviews regarding this


New member
Feb 9, 2015
Gaithersburg, MD
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Have you tried to take her out every 2 hours constantly? When you do, give her a treat after she goes. This will teach her that going outside is good and when she has an accident she won't benefit from it. Start with 2 hours, that's plenty for a 6 month old and once she's getting the hang of it extent it to every 3 hours and so on. Also, try getting a bell for your back door. When she sits by the door quietly you have no way of knowing she needs to go out but if you train her to ring the bell you will hear it.

Davey sits by the door sometimes when he has to go out and I ignore him until he hits the bell. This way, if I'm upstairs and he goes to the backdoor downstairs I can hear him ask. Give it a try and hang in there, she is still a baby

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