This is how spoiled Chester is by my husband..


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Buffalo NY
Bulldog(s) Names
Chester LOVES to go for rides in the car and hang his head out the passenger window. In our FJ Cruiser that is not an easy thing because of how big it is and the small arm rest where he would put his front paws. Sooooo.. my husband is building Chessie and little perch to put his front paws on that will fit on his passenger above mentioned spoiled baby bully can "fly with the wind" <o ( I know, I know.. he should be more secured in the car :eek: )
I do think your hubby spoils Chester now- no doubt in my mind!
Ha, ha looks so familiar to me. Bono always go with me in the car. He's always sitting on the passengers seat and it looks like I am his chauffeur :D
I think tour husband is doing a great job. I would do the same when necessary.
Still you have to be carefull when your bullie isn't seated. (Bono isn't yet ;))

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