Things that drive me nuts about non~bully owners. ;)


Mar 28, 2010
Southern California
Bulldog(s) Names
Cutty, Miila and Mugsy the pug :)
I thought this might be a fun topic because it seems that people who arent used to bulldogs dont understand them at all. When people come over they are used to seeing their skinny regular ol' dogs and they always have to comment on how Cutty is fat. NO he is not! lol. He could lose 2 pounds or so but other than that he is perfect I think. They also say this about my Mugsy who has got to be the most fit pug I have seen. I have to just laugh it off cuz I am so tired of trying to explain that they are not fat, they just have loose skin. Its in the breed hello!

Ok I am done venting for now, maybe I will come up with another one later. Anyone else have any to add?
I hate it when they say they are ugly!! I think they are so beautiful, and don't give me that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" hoopla!
YES I agree! My dad always says that is a face only a mama could love. I dont mind so much coming from him cuz he is NOT a dog person but other people, heck no. All I see is beauty so I dont get it.
Funny thing is that we just love wrinkles, short stubby legs, snorting and farting in our bullies and babies! Can't say that about some adults I know.... :p


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I get this question almost everytime I am out with my Bullie
~ Do you breed them ? You could make some money cause they sell for a lot of money (drives me nuts !!!)
Once I was asked if my dog was growling, but she was just snorting while panting
And once I was even asked if I "fight" my dogs. Could you imagine that????
What are people thinking????
And I hate when people think that FAT bulldogs are NORMAL and CUTE! ugh, noooo. And we're not so lazy that we don't need ANY exercise at all.

Gailluvzbullies- yes yes yes.....
-Mom gets asked allll the time by random people in petsmart or on the street if she breeds me, "because I've got a female at home...." ugh JUST because you have a penis and vagina does not mean you have to make puppies. Leave breeding to the pros PUHLLLEEEEZ!

-People always think I'm growling...I just can't breath..I snort. You try breathin with this nose!!

-I was used as bait for dog fighting before I was rescued. I hate that you were asked that, but also glad you had never encountered it before then or have encountered it since.... the sad reality is it's much more prevalent that we realize or want to believe. I visit the Juvenile Detention Center here to promote responsible pet ownership to the kiddos in hopes they grow up to make better choices. I think a lot of them see themselves in me too...once abused, but the hope that better things lie ahead.

Anyway...yes, we are very very misunderstood. But those that do get us, well....they're da best! And sometimes we wait our whole lives searching for the family that truly gets us!

Lub, Champ


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I CANNOT even imagine your poor bully being used for bait for dog fighting. That is so awful for any poor pup! I am thankful I havent gotten that question, WOW! I of course have heard the "oh why did you get him fixed and not breed him?" Why should anyone have to explain that about any dog? What are they just dollar signs, not animals?

I also get the complaint about his drool. He doesn drool, he just carries water. ;) Now st. bernards drool! lol.


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LOL!! He just carries water!!! That's a good one!


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Just carries water... I WILL have to remember that one!

Mine would be complaints on the noise. I've been around a french bulldog long enough that to be honest, the noises sadie makes when breathing after play or excitement don't bother me a bit. The past few weeks my house has been pretty devoid of company because a certain few friends and relatives "just can't stand that noise!" Leaving me to wonder, what noise??? Oh, the dog.... Sad to say but if I dont hear her snorting, snoring or making some noise I usually go hunting for her, just to find her asleep in her house. I've decided that the lack of company isnt a bad thing, my favorite dog loving people still say hello regularly lol.

I've also gotten comments about her gait, from people who don't understand that its normal for her to be shaped like, and move like she does.
My bully goes to work with complaint is the folks that come in and see him and run out hollering and get on the other side of the storm door and lean against it with all their weight because they are scared of Otis...HELLO..if he was mean (and I have never seen a mean bully) he wouldn't be at work with me...
That was funny just picturing the whole thing!!
They ARE mean! That tongue licking everyone they meet, I mean who wouldnt be scared. :D lmao. I can see how they could be intimidating with that big ol' head and mouth but why would he be there if he was gonna attack. FUNNY!

I have never had a second thought of the "noise" they make either. I love their sounds but I guess thats why I am a bully owner. ;)


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I just love their soft skin. Tidus has an especially saggy wrinkley nape under his chin and neck. Last night I sat on the floor to play with Molly and the pups. It was so cute, because Tidus climbed up on my lap and just plopped down and cuddled. Then Molly proceeded to give him and myself a cleaning (miss super tounge!). Yuna is Mrs. curious so she just ran around looking for potential chew toys/chew furniture.

Sedona, our 10 month old daughter sat with all of us, and she just loves the bulldogs. I remember when she took one look at Molly and started crying- she did not want "whatever that thing is" near her..... Now playing with them is her favorite thing to do!!!
I will agree with the pet peeve of calling them ugly! In my opinion they are the most adorable, beautiful dog breed ever! Or and alot of people think they are dumb. Honestly I have never met a stupid bulldog. I think they are super smart, they are just stubborn. He knows what you are asking for he just doesn't feel like doing it :)


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