There's a strange echo in my house..


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Buffalo NY
Bulldog(s) Names
whenever one of us happens to open a bag of chips, pretzels..etc, and cause that "ruffling" noise.... it's always followed by the strange sound of footsteps by what would appear to be a 4 legged creature, walking pretty darn fast too! :yes:
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LMBO.. Yeah Brody has what I call "selective" hearing... he only "hears" noises in the kitchen, and he ALWAYS investigates them instantly
we got those same noises in our house too!!! our lab is banned from the kitchen while there is food out, since he is level w all tables in den and he goes around sniffing the tables hoping to find a crumb
Sam is the same way, I can call him for days to come but the second he hears something that indicates I am messing with something consumable he comes sprinting LOL
Yeah! How is it they don't wake up with a pat on the butt and a shake of the body, but when I go all the way down stairs and pick up a food dish......suddenly I have a bulldog standing in front of me wide awake. AND...if they are outside barking at the neighbors dogs...they refuse to come in when called, BUT when I put one single kibble in the stainless steel dish, I get a hustle into the house like you wouldn't believe. How is it they can hear a wrapper from string cheese from down the block..or a banana peel from a level up?
.. I get that strange echo whenever the fridge door opens .... and now we've discovered frozen green beans it happens with the freezer door too.

Strange .... :whistle:
Thanks guys ... good to know that I'm not the only one who feels that someone's staring at me or hear tiny footsteps whenever I'm in that area of the house too ... *** I'm scared ... :*( ;)
Yep my boys can hear the banana being peeled from anywhere, who knew it made noise? And the string cheese?!?! Forget it! I have to share my 1 piece with my 2 fur babies and now my 2 legger also. I think that is whats called a diet. hehe
Funny..... I wonder how Gracie was kept as she never begs. If I sit down on the couch with chips she'll investigate but won't beg. We have NEVER given her 'people food' other than an occasional apple slice if I am having one... properly peeled, sliced, and cored I might add. She eats her cup of food in the morning and another at night and that is it. Guess we can count ourselves lucky.
Funny..... I wonder how Gracie was kept as she never begs. If I sit down on the couch with chips she'll investigate but won't beg. We have NEVER given her 'people food' other than an occasional apple slice if I am having one... properly peeled, sliced, and cored I might add. She eats her cup of food in the morning and another at night and that is it. Guess we can count ourselves lucky.

Yeah Cutty never begged at first either. Until she gets a taste of what you are eating you are good. All it takes is 1 time of them knowing it is something they can have, it is over. lol.
Same thing here..Silva begs, growls and even paces at our feet to she gets some of whatever we are eating, I seriously think she thinks she is human if we are eating it then why cant she! :heart: :bully:!!

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