Switching to new food & worried about potato & yeast. Please Help!


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Mar 3, 2012
Westchester, New York, United States
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So we are on day 2 of switching Lily's food to Fromm Beef Fritatta veg.
We are going to do the switch very slowly.
75% old to 25% new for 1 week.
50% old to 50% new for another week.
75% new to 25% old for another week before doing the new one 100%.

And I have also switched her drinking water from tap water to filtered water.
She does have one reddish tear stain which was not there before.
I noticed it starting on Moday.
I also got witch hazel to help with her tear stain & the cleaning of her wrinkles.

I do have a question though.

I see that the Fromms has white potato in it.
Should I be concerned that the potato could possible cause yeast?
We have been lucky so far with no signs of yeast.
But she is only 16 weeks old.
She was on a junk food that the pet store had her on.
But I'm worried that I could make things worse by switching her food that has white potato in it.
And I don't want to switch it again so soon since we just started the switch now.
I do want to have her tested but I"m not sure of what's the right age to do so.
I have to ask the vet.

Any advice?



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Feb 21, 2012
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Typically owners get an allergy panel done at around 1 year old. This is up to you although you can always get it done twice, the only harm in doing so would be to your wallet. White potatoe can def cause Yeast problems which is why I didnt give Fromm to Dozer. He's currently on Earthborne Meadow Feast and loves it. Goodluck!


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Typically owners get an allergy panel done at around 1 year old. This is up to you although you can always get it done twice, the only harm in doing so would be to your wallet. White potatoe can def cause Yeast problems which is why I didnt give Fromm to Dozer. He's currently on Earthborne Meadow Feast and loves it. Goodluck!

Oh no that's what I was worried about.
Should I switch her food again?
What should I do now??


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unless your bully has a problem with yeast infection, you can continue with fromm beef frittata. alot of people here feed it and it is really good food


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Feb 21, 2012
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Dogs, like people, can develope allergies to anything at any given time. Your pup is still young and the tear stain that you saw may not be from the food at all. Spring just started and with it all those lovely ragweeds, grass and pollens are running rampant. It could be that, but dont jump to conclusions so quickly or freak out. Typically you wont know if the food agrees with them fully until 6 weeks has passed. Unfortunatly, the only true way to know is to get an allergy panel done. If you want closure and piece of mind then by all means get it done. Dont count the food down and out as of yet, Fromm is excellent food and a ton of members here use it. The only reason I cannot give Dozer it is because I am certain he is having a yeast problem with his face which stemmed from the last food he was on; which did contain potatoes.


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Oct 14, 2011
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I agree, we switched Tonka to Fromm-beef fritatta and have had no issues with yeast. Tonka had tear stains before we switched and so far still has them. I think they are due to environmental allergies. Everything is blooming here and even MY allergies have been horrible. I don't know how the allergens in the air are by you but that could be a cause of the tear stain. I would wait it out on the food and if he has no issues with yeast you are fine! Also, I had Tonka allergy tested too early...since no one had told me to wait until they are at least a year old (I should have asked here on this forum first :)) and I think it was a waste. So much can change with them and their immune systems aren't fully developed yet as puppies. We didn't get much in the way of significant results for Tonka and I attribute that to his young age. Unless she is having serious allergy issues I think I would wait until she is at least a year old. Just my two cents! :) [MENTION=4450]Lily122511[/MENTION]


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Feb 6, 2012
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I just switched BRutus about 2 months ago and couldnt be happier with Fromm Beef...The good thing about Fromm is if you notice a bad reaction you can switch freely through the flavors with little to no transitition...They have other flavors as well that dont includ potato...It will take sometime for you to notice the diff....If you are thinking there are allergies it may be enviromental as I never had allergies before but this year I have them and its horrible! :) I am doing the allergy panel on Brutus 1 year checkup just for a peice of mind...Its nothing serious but I want to avoid anything he is allergic to ! If you think about the cost of the food trial/error and price of allergy test it does even out!! I hope all goes welll


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May 7, 2010
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Like other people said, not all bullys develop yeast issues when they are on a food with potatoes. Samson had been on a kibble with potatoes for the first 4 years of his life and never had any issue. But randomly 2 years ago it did become an issue so I switched him over to the NVI salmon because it's potato free and it cleared up. After 2 years on the NVI, I decided to try a food with potatoes again, TOTW pacific stream, and he's been on it for 6 months and there has been no yeast issues at all. It can take up to a month to see the full results in a new food so be patient :) Also, it's not just white potatoes that can cause yeast issues, it's all potatoes. Sweet potatoes is what was in Samson's that caused his issues.


Mar 28, 2010
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a couple days isnt long enough to know how the food will work with your baby. Give it a good month and see how it works out. Not a month of mixed tho, a month of fromm. It is a great food and also too early for your baby to already have allergies. They develop over time. I have never had a yeast problem (knock on wood) but I wouldnt judge the food unless you have a problem. The beef fritatta did seem to cause tear stains on my Cutty so I just have stuck with the other grain free, cannot think of it, surf and turf? lol BUT I am also switching over to the earthborn for the heck of it. Miila has allergies and I think it is seasonal mostly but am willing to switch to try and help her. The boys of course are perfect on fromm so we may end up going back, who knows? Fromm also has a couple new grain free flavors out that you may want to try if the beef doesnt work. You can switch proteins within fromm of the same type so grain free can be swapped out with a diff flavor with no worries about transition of any kid. Stick with the fromm and if nothing else try a diff flavor, that is my advice for now. ;)


I'm not OCD....now who moved my bulldog?
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Thanks for your input everyone.
I am going to stick with Fromms and if Lily should have any issues with yeast I can always try another Fromms flavor.

banks has yeast issues too (tail, paws,folds) but I recently switched her to Fromm Beef Fritatta and her issues have not gotten any worse, in fact seem to be much less of a problem


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.QUOTE=2BullyMama;177610]banks has yeast issues too (tail, paws,folds) but I recently switched her to Fromm Beef Fritatta and her issues have not gotten any worse, in fact seem to be much less of a problem[/QUOTE]

I'm so happy to hear that Banks yeast issuses are somewhat better.
Thanks for the info!

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