strange weather

bulldog family

New member
Aug 14, 2010
Bulldog(s) Names
Norman, LeRoy and China
Anyone else having strange weather? We usually have a few inches of snow on the ground at this time of year. And the temp averages about 35-40 degrees F. Right now it's about 56 degrees and we're having a thunderstorm. What's going on?:eek:
Not the same as you but it has been strange all year long here in California I think. It is chilly now and I am loving it! Just finished our storms up I think.
Like Cali~Jenn I'm in California and I agree we have had strange weather all year. But like Jenn said it's chilly and clear skies, nothing too strange going on right now.
65 for a high today and I think normal is about 40. We also had several tornadoes in the area this afternoon..... So Id say our weather is strange...... High tomorrow is sposed to be 35 :(
Now we're in a tornado watch... IN NOVEMBER!!!
in tx we are always having weird weather... it was 80 degrees the last 2 days with lows in the 60. toward end of week we are suppossed to have a cold front then mon its back in the 70-80s.... i believe thats right
Yeah it is really warm here and rainy (Windsor Canada right across the border from Michigan) and it should be cold!

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