Slow-Feeder success??

That is funny he still looks like he is scarfing it down LOL

I had to download that link tho to watch it- perhaps because it is from Imageshack?
Wow...That was still fast! Ive seen a few bullies eat like that...Bruno goes for his a little at a time. I put 2 cups down in the morning and he picks at it throughout the day.
wow!! he eats fast lol. I think maybe one of the slow feeders with the multi ridges would word better for him.
Yeah I am going to call the slow feeder bowl an epic fail.:bust: While not all the food goes on the floor, i've timed him every time, 1 1/2 cups of food is gone in 60-79 seconds. I think the other way is slower because he at least has to chase all the food he gets on the floor down, lol. Hopefully he'll slow down soon.
Have u thought about using the ones with multi ridges? My neighbor has one for their bully and it REALLY helps him slow down.
Silva leaves her food all day until I bring it in the kitchen when we have dinner, she has never eaten her food fast, except if it is treats or something that the kids gave her! :)
Wow! Maybe hold onto that one until he get older. You should use the multi-ridge one. I have one if you would like me to send it to you. From O to B.
[MENTION=572]Libra926[/MENTION], Aww that is such a nice thing to do. I don't want you to have to put money out to ship it, I would pay you back of course. Let me see how this week goes he might get tired of trying to get it all down so quickly going around that dome. I'll report on Monday :)
Well, I don't mind. I'd even wash it first!:D

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