Scabs on skin- Help!?


New member
Jun 3, 2010
Tyler, Texas
Bulldog(s) Names
Spike & Sparkles
spike a couple weeks ago had a bacterial skin infection diagnosed by his VET... he prescribed him cephalexin for 21 days and cleared it up ever since then he has had scabs on his skin and just today i noticed he had it in his chest area...i am really worried b/c if i take the scabs off hairs comes off with it and it bleeds :( he doesn't seem like he is in any kinda pain...will be taking him to the vet tomorrow...has anyone else expierenced this before?
Just went to the vet with Lola yesterday for what sounds like the same exact thing. I'm 95% sure that cephalexin is what we came home with. Still too early to tell if it will do the trick, but we've dealt with this or something similar before, and it did the trick. Our vet thinks the bacterial infection was triggered by her allergies. She already has the scabs though, and when they fall off they take fur with them, which is why we took her to the vet.
Molly got a skin bacterial infection from an allergic reaction. We did the shampoos ever 3 days and the allergy medicine, and the antibiotics. After 3 weeks she got better, but did not heal 100% and still itched if we did not give her an allergy pill. Note that she NEVER had allergies in her life. Something triggered this. Stress is the most likely cause, because we introduced another older female to our home when Molly had 6 week old puppies. We were confused as to what exactly she ate, or maybe since we had more rain...but most likely stress related.

Anyway to make a long story short- we changed her food from Iams (ewwww, i know right?) to Avoderm. She had been on Iams all her life, and we did not realize that it was the cause of some of her minor problems, such as tear stains, yeast infections, and smell of her coat. Within 1 day she stopped itching. Within 2 days she was off the meds. Within a week she looked like an entirely different dog!!! (And she smells pretty awesome too, even without bathing for weeks!)

So my question would be, what do you feed Spike? I am sure you have probably told me before on facebook, but I forgot...:(
he eats purina puppy chow and i mix it with chef michaels wet food sometimes or with the chef michaels dry food... :(

Molly got a skin bacterial infection from an allergic reaction. We did the shampoos ever 3 days and the allergy medicine, and the antibiotics. After 3 weeks she got better, but did not heal 100% and still itched if we did not give her an allergy pill. Note that she NEVER had allergies in her life. Something triggered this. Stress is the most likely cause, because we introduced another older female to our home when Molly had 6 week old puppies. We were confused as to what exactly she ate, or maybe since we had more rain...but most likely stress related.

Anyway to make a long story short- we changed her food from Iams (ewwww, i know right?) to Avoderm. She had been on Iams all her life, and we did not realize that it was the cause of some of her minor problems, such as tear stains, yeast infections, and smell of her coat. Within 1 day she stopped itching. Within 2 days she was off the meds. Within a week she looked like an entirely different dog!!! (And she smells pretty awesome too, even without bathing for weeks!)

So my question would be, what do you feed Spike? I am sure you have probably told me before on facebook, but I forgot...:(
I have experienced this same issue a few months back. Cephalexin is what i was given as well. A combination of that with prednizone during flare ups got the bumps under control. I also changed her diet from Natures Recipe (blah) to Innova puppy. I give her 4 pumps of Salmon oil in her food two per feeding and I brush her every other day. The flare up is gone the bacterial infection gone as well (some form of staph according to my vet) and has not come back. She looks, feels and smells better now that she is on good food and is going number 2 a lot less. I would highly recommend changing your dogs food asap. Remember to start gradually and over the course of about 4 weeks. Very small amounts of the new food mixed with the old in week one (10/90) slight increase for week two (25/75) and gradually increase the ratio of new to old over week three (50/50) until you are using (75/25) new to old in week 4. This will keep your bully from turning into a household frosty machine ;) best of luck!
thanks for everyone for the advice... i will check into switching his Food ASAP b/c im pretty sure thats the problem :( i will keep ya'll posted how he does... the doctor gave us simplicef for 14 days and told us to give him medicated baths twice a week with special shampoo so hopefully that will work :)
Take some before and after pics for the dog food then and now page! Would love to see the difference :)
We had a simliar issue a while ago with our baby Chelios! He was loosing soo much hair and had ugly scabs on his belly that when you peeled them off hair came off too. I felt so bad for the poor guy! We immediately started researching and started different things to find what had caused the problem. He was originally eating pedigree, so we switched him to purina and it made it worst! :eek: We found a dog food called Blue (for special skin & allergy problems) the salmon & sweet potato one! We saw results in less then a week, all his hair slowly started growing back && those scabs went away! We found out that he had an allergic to the icky ingredients in the purina & pedigree (which are two of the not so good dog food to feed a bully) which had triggered the reaction. But since we've changed his food he hasn't had a problem since! I would deff recommend changing his food! Hope this helped! :)

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