Repeat offender!


Pistol Packing Bullyagrapher
Staff member
May 5, 2010
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Vegas and Orion
While I was out of the house taking photos of my nieces and nephew, Vegas got into the pantry. After the last time with the shake 'n bake, we put a baby gate up in the inside frame of the door. This way if it doesn't get shut all the way, Vegas can't get to the shelves.............or so I thought. I came home today to a huge mess. His grandma had already cleaned him up, but the rest?..... I think he was going for the shake 'n bake but got the corn meal instead!

Check out the video of the aftermath!
I guess that is the downfall to teaching him to open that door huh? How cute! He just wanted some snacks, how sad! :D
love your videos, you need to make a YouTube channel so I can subsrcibe!!
LOL cute, but I'm not surprised though. I hope you don't take offense to me pointing out a few things I noticed in the first pantry video, but I believe the video you shared shows that the whole incident was a positive experience for him, so why wouldn't he do it again?

First thing... the initial "busted" scolding he got was the cutest scolding I have ever heard :). If I was him, I would look forward to more of that cuteness. That then provided an opportunity for Vegas to show off his cool tricks, shutting the door and putting his nose in the corner, which gets rewarded with "good boy". He left that experience feeling good about what he did... he got some fun interaction with you, got to do some tricks and was rewarded with affection. Makes for a super cute video though :)
So true......although I taught him to "close" the pantry........because he was always snooping in it. By teaching him to close it, I though he would put the positive spin on it and close it when ever it was open, especially if it got left open and we weren't home. How he came to nudging it open and getting into it? Don't know. I've never rewarded him for opening it up, although I can see what your saying.
Update on Vegas........he is still suffering from my stupidity. I, after all, am the one who neglected to close the door all the way. I was up all night with him. He was throwing up and he has icky poopies. It's cold here today, and being up all night we both are exhausted. He was on the couch next to me shivering. So I covered him up in my pink blankie and he slept away. Orion came over to investigate and crawled on top of him. Only then did he warm up. They slept side by side (which they don't EVER do) tongues out, snoring. It was so cute.


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What a sweet pic! Maybe you should get another baby gate and stack them double high! :D He is so smart tho he may figure that out too. hehe
I doubt it. I'm sure he was really hoping for the shake 'n bake. I have no idea how he got around the gate. I should learn my lesson and just make sure it's closed "all the way". He trhrew up twice more last night after his dinner. I'm now worried.......he's not getting his seizure meds. He's getting plenty of water but can't keep his food down. If it happens again today, he's going to the vet. Poor baby!!
Keep us posted on him, hopefully once he gets rid of that cornmeal he will feel better. Figure the water is mixing with it and maybe expanding in his tummy. :(
oh no this is terrible.... Poor vegas :(

I am so sorry libra... :(

The pics are very cute. Sister O must've knew he needed some snuggles....
That is a super cute pic!

A trick I learned from my fellow SUPER dog loving friend. When they start throwing up give them pedialyte. I'm sure we all know vomiting and diarrhea dehydrates the body. So they'll drink a bunch of water, it bloats them, then they throw up again. 4th Of July weekend Sam threw up twice one day, twice the next. I knew he hadn't eaten anything bad but it was hot out, we were housesitting my mom's, he and my brother's westie are mortal enemies and have to be separated. So its alot of excitement for him in the heat so I assumed the whole situation upset his stomach. Went out and got pedialyte, the un-flavored variety. I have to feed it to him with a medicine dropper, probably 1/4 cup maybe a little more at a time. After I started the pedialyte no more vomiting. Works everytime for me, and we've had to do this our fair share of times with that sensitive bully tummy.
It's just about 7pm here and Vegas has not gotten sick today. He wouldn't come down for breakfast, so I made sure to take his meds up to him. He didn't want his meds either. This concerned me, so I went back downstairs and just gave him the phenobarb and not the liquid on the bread. I took it back up to him and he wouldn't take it, seconds after I offered it, he had a mini seizure. It doesn't surprise me since he's thrown up his last 3 doses of meds. Right after his seizure, he took the pill..........then bounded down the stairs in search of his breakfast. He's kept it all down. He still has very loose stools. It's not diarrhea, he's only going 3 times a day. Just loose. I'm gonna get some pedialyte.......thanks for the suggestion. He's still pretty exhausted. His personality is still there.......but what do you think? Should I take him in?

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