Raw Diet


New member
May 27, 2010
Bulldog(s) Names
As with most topics, there're those who strongly support, and those who strongly oppose. And the topic of a raw diet is no exception. I searched the forum and was surprised to find that there hasn't been much discussion about a raw diet.

I've been reading as much as I can about the topic. As some of you may know, I've posted about Lola's allergy issues, and I'm trying to keep an open mind as I continue to try to find her allergy.

I'll be honest, the thought of feeding Lola a raw diet grosses me out. I do eat some meat, but beyond chicken, beef and fish, I don't eat a lot of meat myself. BUT, if it improves Lola's quality of life and benefits her in any way, I'm certainly willing to do it.

Does anyone here feed a raw diet? If so, I'd be interested to hear more about it.
I don't feed raw yet.I'm planning on doing it soon, though. I've been doing alot of research and I've got alot of feeding raw on facebook. That has helped ALOT!!! Good luck!
I don't feed raw but I have learned a few things about it from where I shop for pet food; most notably that you do not have to throw something totally gross like a pig's head (I've seen photos of this) down for your dog to gnaw on and then clean up the carnage. Some pet food stores sell prepacked raw foods that have bones big enough to not be consumed by strong jawed dogs. I suppose I would be more inclined to do this than to get leftovers from a butcher in the hopes they've been refrigerated and taken care of properly. The risks are obvious - food borne illness, where to feed to protect your home from the mess, choking hazards, getting enough nutrients, etc - but I have seen some bulldogs in absolutely fabulous condition feeding raw. For me, it just would be too worrisome. I've given my dogs raw meat before that I thought was fine (I used it cooked in my own food) and it made them horrendously ill and I would never want to go through that again!
I asked about raw awhile back. I got some fabulous answers. in advanced search type it in.
I agree about the problems of raw food. I am cooking for my bunch, and use human grade (preferably organic) foods. There are lots of good recipes out there, just google dog food recipes. Mine is meat, rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, veggies and several extras like kelp, parsley, flaxseeds and fish oil. You can feed raw bones sometimes, but not cooked. The cooked ones can shatter and have very sharp points that can damage mouth or digestive track. There are a few human food that are not good for dogs like chocolate, caffeine, grapes or raisins and onions. A little garlic is ok. Some fruit peels and seeds or pits are not good in large amounts. Google for ideas.
Did you decide if you're feeding raw? I am sure we'd all love feedback on your experience!
Sort of....I have her on the pre-made raw food right now. Still contemplating the switch to an all raw diet.
Sort of....I have her on the pre-made raw food right now. Still contemplating the switch to an all raw diet.

Which one are you using? I got a big package of Natures Variety yesterday.
Nature's Variety. Stella & Chewies is the other brand they carry, but I haven't tried them. Lola absolutely loves it
Please keep us posted on how it goes. I dont feed raw because it seems like more money, mess etc but like you said if it is good for the dog then so be it. Sometimes it gets so frustrating trying to find the right foods for these pups that cooking or raw feeding makes more sense in the end.
It's still too early to tell, but we've seen a few positive changes so far, and I remain hopeful.
It's definitely more expensive going with the pre-made frozen raw diet. It sounds like an actual raw diet could be the cheapest of them all, but it sounds like it can be a lot of work. I am willing to pay more for food if it keeps me from going to the vet monthly.

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