pupy acts like he is starving?

My puppy is 9 weeks old and we switched him to Avoderm when he got here about a week ago. The avoderm feeding guideline says 1/3-1 cup a day (seems like such a little bit) I have been giving him a little over a cup for about 2 days since we made the total switch from eukanuba.

I was feeding the other dogs a few minutes ago and the puppy lost his mind. He was acting like he was starving and wanted their food. He was already done eating for the day. Is this normal behavior? Or is he really starving? With the Eukanuba he was getting 2 1/4 cups a day based on the feeding guideline. Should I supplement with some veggies or snacks? I did buy the avoderm treats and ended up giving him one because i felt bad. He almost ripped my hand off he couldn't get to it fast enough.

Also when he eats he eats super fast like he hasn't eaten for days. Any advice????
I'm new to this too. But I know on our food
it says this is just a guideline. Adjust to your
dogs needs.

I think if it were that hungry I would give a bit
more. Definitely not double it or anything like that.
Wonder if he just needs a bit more time for his
stomach to get use to the smaller serving.
It's been a while since my girls were 9 weeks old, they're 7 months old now. I think I gave them around 1/2 a cup per feeding back then. Now they get a cup and 1/4 in the morning and a cup at night. 2-2 1/4 cups at 9 weeks sounds like too much to me. They DO eat very fast, I don't think either one of them chews at all. And they both do act like they haven't eaten in days while I'm fixing their food. But they're both doing really well on what they get, so I know they're not going hungry.
[MENTION=1592]azlady76[/MENTION] At 9 weeks if the guideline for his weight said we were to give Daddy 1/3-1 cup then we would give him 1 1/4 cup at each meal which would be twice a day. We also always fed him his meals with the other dogs ... not sure if you meant that you did that and he had already eaten his, or if you meant that you had fed him at a different time.

At the moment, at 5 months and 29lb ... Daddy is now on 1 1/4 cups of FROMM twice a day. Maggie at 3 years and 37lb is on 3/4 cup twice a day.

However, Daddy would like to let you know that we don't feed him .... EVVVEEEEEEERRRRRR He is badly mis-treated and only gets fresh baby carrots, frozen green beans, frozen blueberries and grain-free bison-flavoured treats ... does the word "neglected" suddenly spring to mind. Also, Daddy would like to point out that he feels that he should be left alone in a room with the 60lb bag of FROMM Salmon n Veggies ... then, and only then would he feel that he was being treated in the manner a 5 month old bully should be!!! :p
[MENTION=959]kazzy220[/MENTION] that is hysterical! I am sure Hurley would love that too! I think I will keep in on 1/4 - 1/2 twice a day and see how he does. Is he to young to give him fresh veggies and fruits?

[MENTION=881]Gertie's Mom[/MENTION] the 2 1/4 was the yucky eukanuba stuff the breeder had him on. I know the lower quality food tend to require larger portions. Hence why you actually end up spending more $$ feeding the cheap stuff. I was surprised at how much the guidelines changed when uping the quality level.
[MENTION=1592]azlady76[/MENTION] How much does he weigh at 9 weeks ... I'd be tempted to give him a little more than what you are giving him. I know we picked Daddy up at 9 weeks and give him 3/4 cup of the fromm and gradually took it up to the 1 1/4 cups he gets now. I wanted to give him the healthy treats from the start so I started him off on the frozen green beans .. the thin ones. Started by just giving him 1/3 of one ... they snap really easy when they are frozen and they just LOVE them! I introduced the fruit and veggie treats very slowly because I wanted his little baby tummy to get used to things gradually.
About the same as Daddy when we first got him ... it's your choice obviously but we were giving Daddy 3/4 cup of Fromm at that age.
That's what we gave Daddy ... we used the FROMM 4* food.
ever since i switched butler to fromm surf and turf he acts like he never gets fed. he weighs 47lbs and gets one cup twice a day. it seems like very little food, but since it is so dense in calories and protein, and there are no crappy fillers-it doesn't need to be a lot of food. butler inhales his fromm, before he would pick at his food all day. i swear if he could get into the garage and open the rubbermaid to get to the fromm motherload-he would eat himself to death. my husband asks me if i am feeding him enough because he acts like a bum at a soup kitchen, but he hasn't lost any weight so i guess he's okay.
at that age we were giving Chester about 3/4 cup twice a day too. Now we give him about 1 1/2 cups. We feed Avoderm. No matter how much we give Chester though.. he always acts like he is starving! If we don't watch him, after he's done with his bowl..he'll sneak over to our shih tzu's bowl and eat his food too! (which I hate, because the shih tzu refuses to eat anything but the cheap food, :eek: and I don't want Chester to get into that stuff :crazy: )
Cannot wait to read all the advice as I am going thru the same thing with Brodie...he east super fast and then acts like he never ate and is starving. Brodie knock his bowl out of my hand last night as i was putting it down...crazy!
@azlady, are you the one with the runny poos too?:poo: well not you but your puppy? If not then how are the pups poops?

I am paranoid, but that is one sign of a rare disease my Bella has. Please watch him, if his poos are loose, real soft or "fluffy" (huge for a puppy) and also a yellowish/light/gray color that is another sign. Message me if this is what you are seeing.

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