Puppy behavior


May 1, 2022
Bulldog(s) Names
Louise and Chief
1) Chief is now 28 lbs, my 4 y/o daughter is 35 lbs. Chief likes to play very rough, grab on to the bottom of her dress and not let go, growling. Sheā€™s lost a few dresses this way from being torn. He and Louise regularly chase her and jump on her. The pups have nipped her but not hard. Donā€™t get me wrong he loves her too. She loves to lie down on the floor and he lays right on top of her or snuggled up with her. Should I be concerned that heā€™ll really hurt her? Heā€™s 4 months old and I think heā€™s gonna be a biiig boy so thatā€™s my main concern with all this. I really think that heā€™s playing and wonā€™t hurt her, or try to. But if I need to take steps to make sure, Iā€™d love to hear from you all!
Any recommendations or personal experience with this?

Side note: I make sure my daughter doesnā€™t walk around the dogs while holding food, and I regularly explain to her not to tease them (or feed themšŸ„“)

2) Destructive chewing. Chief has chewed up parts of our wooden coffee table, our kitchen hutch and the bottoms of our dining room chairs. (All things wooden or cardboard he goes crazy for)

Iā€™ve bought countless chew toys and I redirect him.
I have a water spray bottle that Iā€™ll use to spray him and Louise when they start excessively fighting and it usually works, but not so much for the chewing.
When we leave he goes in his kennel if heā€™s not coming with us, as well as bed time.
I bought the adaptil plug in (or thunder ease) and itā€™s been going since Monday but doesnā€™t seem to do anything for the destructive chewing.
As far as taking him for walks, itā€™s over 100 degrees F outside (38C) and sometimes higher so we havenā€™t been going on walks lately.
He gets time outside and will stay out there chewing twigs for as long as he can.
What else can we do about the chewing?? Luckily we were wanting to get rid of the dining room chairs and table anyway, and re-paint the kitchen hutch.


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1) Chief is now 28 lbs, my 4 y/o daughter is 35 lbs. Chief likes to play very rough, grab on to the bottom of her dress and not let go, growling. Sheā€™s lost a few dresses this way from being torn. He and Louise regularly chase her and jump on her. The pups have nipped her but not hard. Donā€™t get me wrong he loves her too. She loves to lie down on the floor and he lays right on top of her or snuggled up with her. Should I be concerned that heā€™ll really hurt her? Heā€™s 4 months old and I think heā€™s gonna be a biiig boy so thatā€™s my main concern with all this. I really think that heā€™s playing and wonā€™t hurt her, or try to. But if I need to take steps to make sure, Iā€™d love to hear from you all!
Any recommendations or personal experience with this?

Side note: I make sure my daughter doesnā€™t walk around the dogs while holding food, and I regularly explain to her not to tease them (or feed themšŸ„“)

2) Destructive chewing. Chief has chewed up parts of our wooden coffee table, our kitchen hutch and the bottoms of our dining room chairs. (All things wooden or cardboard he goes crazy for)

Iā€™ve bought countless chew toys and I redirect him.
I have a water spray bottle that Iā€™ll use to spray him and Louise when they start excessively fighting and it usually works, but not so much for the chewing.
When we leave he goes in his kennel if heā€™s not coming with us, as well as bed time.
I bought the adaptil plug in (or thunder ease) and itā€™s been going since Monday but doesnā€™t seem to do anything for the destructive chewing.
As far as taking him for walks, itā€™s over 100 degrees F outside (38C) and sometimes higher so we havenā€™t been going on walks lately.
He gets time outside and will stay out there chewing twigs for as long as he can.
What else can we do about the chewing?? Luckily we were wanting to get rid of the dining room chairs and table anyway, and re-paint the kitchen hutch.

Itā€™s hard to know without seeing it, if itā€™s just play or if he is being too rough.

I would recommend teaching him ā€˜Gentleā€™ or ā€˜play niceā€™ or ā€˜settleā€™ if you think itā€™s too rough.
This helps if you teach them as puppies as they will learn to be ā€˜gentleā€™. My dogs I say ā€˜gentleā€™ when meeting a new dog, or playing too crazy or excited, or ask him to ā€˜leave itā€™ when he decides to pull the dress before he will growl.
If he likes the crate, and you need him to settle or he has been too rough with the play, put him in the crate until he is settled, then once he is calm, you let him out, not when he is crying do I ever let the dogs out as they will think they will get what they want if they cry or bark.

Thatā€™s definitely way too hot to walk them for that hot out!

For the chewing the chair and wood,
When my dogs were pups, I would say a firm ā€˜Leave itā€™ or say NO. But definitely change your voice and tone when you give a firm NO or leave it!

Have you tried a Kong???
When my dogs were puppies, I would put treats in the Kong and put dog friendly Peanut Butter(no Xylitol, itā€™s toxic to dogs) and put the peanut butter over the opening and put it in the freezer over night.

Then I give it to them the next day, feels good on their teeth and gums and keeps them busy for a little bit.

I would try that.

Have you heard of a Bull Tail??? Itā€™s a full entire Bull Tail, And it lasts a long time.
Raw bones are great too to keep them occupied.

Antlers, and yak chews and bully sticks are also good.

I have heard of snuffle mats, but havenā€™t used it before for my dogs, kong Wobbler is good entertainment, working on commands like ā€˜sitā€™ or ā€˜downā€™ for 10-15 minutes a day.

What do you have for him to chew on???
With no Bulldog Mom and Dad around to dole out the correction, rough play has to be checked by the Alpha in the home...YOU! Do it forcefully just like his dog parents would. The chewing must be monitored by you also. Some Bulldogs are more destructive than others. It will eventually stop...can take a year or more.
With no Bulldog Mom and Dad around to dole out the correction, rough play has to be checked by the Alpha in the home...YOU! Do it forcefully just like his dog parents would. The chewing must be monitored by you also. Some Bulldogs are more destructive than others. It will eventually stop...can take a year or more.
Thank you!
Itā€™s hard to know without seeing it, if itā€™s just play or if he is being too rough.

I would recommend teaching him ā€˜Gentleā€™ or ā€˜play niceā€™ or ā€˜settleā€™ if you think itā€™s too rough.
This helps if you teach them as puppies as they will learn to be ā€˜gentleā€™. My dogs I say ā€˜gentleā€™ when meeting a new dog, or playing too crazy or excited, or ask him to ā€˜leave itā€™ when he decides to pull the dress before he will growl.
If he likes the crate, and you need him to settle or he has been too rough with the play, put him in the crate until he is settled, then once he is calm, you let him out, not when he is crying do I ever let the dogs out as they will think they will get what they want if they cry or bark.

Thatā€™s definitely way too hot to walk them for that hot out!

For the chewing the chair and wood,
When my dogs were pups, I would say a firm ā€˜Leave itā€™ or say NO. But definitely change your voice and tone when you give a firm NO or leave it!

Have you tried a Kong???
When my dogs were puppies, I would put treats in the Kong and put dog friendly Peanut Butter(no Xylitol, itā€™s toxic to dogs) and put the peanut butter over the opening and put it in the freezer over night.

Then I give it to them the next day, feels good on their teeth and gums and keeps them busy for a little bit.

I would try that.

Have you heard of a Bull Tail??? Itā€™s a full entire Bull Tail, And it lasts a long time.
Raw bones are great too to keep them occupied.

Antlers, and yak chews and bully sticks are also good.

I have heard of snuffle mats, but havenā€™t used it before for my dogs, kong Wobbler is good entertainment, working on commands like ā€˜sitā€™ or ā€˜downā€™ for 10-15 minutes a day.

What do you have for him to chew on???
Right now they have nylabones, bully bone, a set I got from Amazon, the little teething balls for puppies, I stay away from raw hide as Iā€™ve heard itā€™s dangerous for them. They have the ā€œpuppy starter packsā€ with nylabones.
Iā€™ve heard of the mats but didnā€™t know what theyā€™re for. I havenā€™t found something he loves chewing yet.
Thank you so much for the recommendations. Iā€™ll try anything.
Itā€™s hard to know without seeing it, if itā€™s just play or if he is being too rough.

I would recommend teaching him ā€˜Gentleā€™ or ā€˜play niceā€™ or ā€˜settleā€™ if you think itā€™s too rough.
This helps if you teach them as puppies as they will learn to be ā€˜gentleā€™. My dogs I say ā€˜gentleā€™ when meeting a new dog, or playing too crazy or excited, or ask him to ā€˜leave itā€™ when he decides to pull the dress before he will growl.
If he likes the crate, and you need him to settle or he has been too rough with the play, put him in the crate until he is settled, then once he is calm, you let him out, not when he is crying do I ever let the dogs out as they will think they will get what they want if they cry or bark.

Thatā€™s definitely way too hot to walk them for that hot out!

For the chewing the chair and wood,
When my dogs were pups, I would say a firm ā€˜Leave itā€™ or say NO. But definitely change your voice and tone when you give a firm NO or leave it!

Have you tried a Kong???
When my dogs were puppies, I would put treats in the Kong and put dog friendly Peanut Butter(no Xylitol, itā€™s toxic to dogs) and put the peanut butter over the opening and put it in the freezer over night.

Then I give it to them the next day, feels good on their teeth and gums and keeps them busy for a little bit.

I would try that.

Have you heard of a Bull Tail??? Itā€™s a full entire Bull Tail, And it lasts a long time.
Raw bones are great too to keep them occupied.

Antlers, and yak chews and bully sticks are also good.

I have heard of snuffle mats, but havenā€™t used it before for my dogs, kong Wobbler is good entertainment, working on commands like ā€˜sitā€™ or ā€˜downā€™ for 10-15 minutes a day.

What do you have for him to chew on???
Bull tail? Would you think they would be safe for them as puppies? The only thing I found on Amazon for the bull tails is like a pack of cow tail chews or treats. Where do u find the bull tail you mentioned?
Right now they have nylabones, bully bone, a set I got from Amazon, the little teething balls for puppies, I stay away from raw hide as Iā€™ve heard itā€™s dangerous for them. They have the ā€œpuppy starter packsā€ with nylabones.
Iā€™ve heard of the mats but didnā€™t know what theyā€™re for. I havenā€™t found something he loves chewing yet.
Thank you so much for the recommendations. Iā€™ll try anything.

Do you have a regular Kong(they have puppy versions too) that you can freeze with treats and peanut butter???

Yes definitely raw HIDE is a big no no! They are not safe. They are bleached and not digestible, used chemicals, and everything, NOT safe!

Raw meaty bones like knuckle bones are safe, same with Bull Tails, Bully sticks, and yak chews.

I was saying a raw meaty bone, I give raw knuckle bones, and other treats are: bully sticks, Yak Chews(looks like cheese kind of), and bull tails. They are a actual bull tail(cow tail), all those are great chews for them.

The raw bones I give on the deck outside.

The bull tails look kind of like a rawhide kind of but they are NOT a rawhide, the full Bull Tails are very safe and no chemicals used.

The bull tails donā€™t smell really. And same with bully sticks. And raw bones donā€™t smell, same with yak chews.

If you have a kong, I recommend freeze it with peanut butter and treats, and that feels good on their teeth.
Bull tail? Would you think they would be safe for them as puppies? The only thing I found on Amazon for the bull tails is like a pack of cow tail chews or treats. Where do u find the bull tail you mentioned?

Yes bull tail would be safe for them as puppies and adults, same with bully sticks,
I attached a screenshot of the Bull Tails, also sometimes called Cow Tails, they last a long time for my dogs and many people buy them for the puppies and adults to keep them busy. Safe alternative to raw hide(Raw HIDES, they are NOT safe).

If your in the USA I donā€™t know where has them, Iā€™m in Canada and Open Range pet treats(the website I screenshot the bull tails on) Iā€™m not sure if they are in USA. But you can definitely look around and ask some pet stores.

Depending on where your located, you might be able to order them online or buy them in store near you.

This is what they look like:

Yes bull tail would be safe for them as puppies and adults, same with bully sticks,
I attached a screenshot of the Bull Tails, also sometimes called Cow Tails, they last a long time for my dogs and many people buy them for the puppies and adults to keep them busy. Safe alternative to raw hide(Raw HIDES, they are NOT safe).

If your in the USA I donā€™t know where has them, Iā€™m in Canada and Open Range pet treats(the website I screenshot the bull tails on) Iā€™m not sure if they are in USA. But you can definitely look around and ask some pet stores.

Depending on where your located, you might be able to order them online or buy them in store near you.

This is what they look like:

View attachment 123011
Iā€™m in the states. I ordered yak chews and deer antler from Amazon after reading your recommendations. I found some kong toys but wasnā€™t sure heā€™d like it because he has several rubber-like chew toys that he doesnā€™t really care for and Iā€™ve also given him several of his chew toys frozen.

Thank you so much! Is there a specific kong youā€™d recommend?
Iā€™m in the states. I ordered yak chews and deer antler from Amazon after reading your recommendations. I found some kong toys but wasnā€™t sure heā€™d like it because he has several rubber-like chew toys that he doesnā€™t really care for and Iā€™ve also given him several of his chew toys frozen.

Thank you so much! Is there a specific kong youā€™d recommend?

Ok thatā€™s good, the bull tails are also great if you can find them. Hopefully he likes the yak chews.

My dogs arenā€™t a fan of rubber toys really either but when I put their longs in the freezer overnight for the next say(sometimes itā€™s in the freezer for a week and itā€™s still good), it has treats inside, then the hole on top has peanut butter so when itā€™s frozen they get thru the peanut butter to get the treats or their kibble(whichever you put in the kong).

I attached a screenshot of the kong that you can put peanut butter and treats in and freeze it, but the hole is covered(just so you canā€™t see in the kong-not overloadedšŸ˜Š) with peanut butter.

If they like peanut butter that would be a good thing to try, my dogs enjoy the cold kong, especially when they are pups.

Your very welcome, Iā€™m happy to help! I know puppies are lots of work, I have 3 dogs and al were different as puppies, chewing wise.

Keep us updated!šŸ˜Š

Here is the kong I use:

1) Chief is now 28 lbs, my 4 y/o daughter is 35 lbs. Chief likes to play very rough, grab on to the bottom of her dress and not let go, growling. Sheā€™s lost a few dresses this way from being torn. He and Louise regularly chase her and jump on her. The pups have nipped her but not hard. Donā€™t get me wrong he loves her too. She loves to lie down on the floor and he lays right on top of her or snuggled up with her. Should I be concerned that heā€™ll really hurt her? Heā€™s 4 months old and I think heā€™s gonna be a biiig boy so thatā€™s my main concern with all this. I really think that heā€™s playing and wonā€™t hurt her, or try to. But if I need to take steps to make sure, Iā€™d love to hear from you all!
Any recommendations or personal experience with this?

Side note: I make sure my daughter doesnā€™t walk around the dogs while holding food, and I regularly explain to her not to tease them (or feed themšŸ„“)

2) Destructive chewing. Chief has chewed up parts of our wooden coffee table, our kitchen hutch and the bottoms of our dining room chairs. (All things wooden or cardboard he goes crazy for)

Iā€™ve bought countless chew toys and I redirect him.
I have a water spray bottle that Iā€™ll use to spray him and Louise when they start excessively fighting and it usually works, but not so much for the chewing.
When we leave he goes in his kennel if heā€™s not coming with us, as well as bed time.
I bought the adaptil plug in (or thunder ease) and itā€™s been going since Monday but doesnā€™t seem to do anything for the destructive chewing.
As far as taking him for walks, itā€™s over 100 degrees F outside (38C) and sometimes higher so we havenā€™t been going on walks lately.
He gets time outside and will stay out there chewing twigs for as long as he can.
What else can we do about the chewing?? Luckily we were wanting to get rid of the dining room chairs and table anyway, and re-paint the kitchen hutch.
I agree you should nip this in the bud with correction behavior work. My Maxwell had a tendency to play too rough when I got him. But I make it a habit to play with him and, if he crosses a line, I correct him, ā€œNo.ā€ And stop the play and let him cool off. He has gotten it pretty well and now gnaws on me without pressing his teeth or breaking skin.

General impulse control training can help, too. Like toddlers, puppies need to learn to control their impulses and emotions. So learning sit, down, drop it, leave it and other commands can be very helpful if you do need to intervene (as it seems you have, RIP pretty dresses).

Another handy possibility is enrolling him in a puppy socialization class or play group if you can find one near. Heā€™ll learn appropriate force from other dogs. Or take him to a dog run but do be careful in that less controlled environment.


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Itā€™s hard to know without seeing it, if itā€™s just play or if he is being too rough.

I would recommend teaching him ā€˜Gentleā€™ or ā€˜play niceā€™ or ā€˜settleā€™ if you think itā€™s too rough.
This helps if you teach them as puppies as they will learn to be ā€˜gentleā€™. My dogs I say ā€˜gentleā€™ when meeting a new dog, or playing too crazy or excited, or ask him to ā€˜leave itā€™ when he decides to pull the dress before he will growl.
If he likes the crate, and you need him to settle or he has been too rough with the play, put him in the crate until he is settled, then once he is calm, you let him out, not when he is crying do I ever let the dogs out as they will think they will get what they want if they cry or bark.

Thatā€™s definitely way too hot to walk them for that hot out!

For the chewing the chair and wood,
When my dogs were pups, I would say a firm ā€˜Leave itā€™ or say NO. But definitely change your voice and tone when you give a firm NO or leave it!

Have you tried a Kong???
When my dogs were puppies, I would put treats in the Kong and put dog friendly Peanut Butter(no Xylitol, itā€™s toxic to dogs) and put the peanut butter over the opening and put it in the freezer over night.

Then I give it to them the next day, feels good on their teeth and gums and keeps them busy for a little bit.

I would try that.

Have you heard of a Bull Tail??? Itā€™s a full entire Bull Tail, And it lasts a long time.
Raw bones are great too to keep them occupied.

Antlers, and yak chews and bully sticks are also good.

I have heard of snuffle mats, but havenā€™t used it before for my dogs, kong Wobbler is good entertainment, working on commands like ā€˜sitā€™ or ā€˜downā€™ for 10-15 minutes a day.

What do you have for him to chew on???
And fwiw Max is on house arrest due to the heat wave and I am dealing with myriad backsliding on behavior. He is bored and mischievous by nature. I can usually burn that energy off in the park but not now. Soon.
Right now they have nylabones, bully bone, a set I got from Amazon, the little teething balls for puppies, I stay away from raw hide as Iā€™ve heard itā€™s dangerous for them. They have the ā€œpuppy starter packsā€ with nylabones.
Iā€™ve heard of the mats but didnā€™t know what theyā€™re for. I havenā€™t found something he loves chewing yet.
Thank you so much for the recommendations. Iā€™ll try anything.
Max just loves his water buffalo horn. And it lasts forever. Be warned, they stink something awful when wet. Itā€™s something I put up with because he loves it and it keeps him outta trouble.
Max just loves his water buffalo horn. And it lasts forever. Be warned, they stink something awful when wet. Itā€™s something I put up with because he loves it and it keeps him outta trouble.
Thank you! I did get them the yak chews and they love it. I looked for bull tails and couldnā€™t find it. Live in the U.S
1) Chief is now 28 lbs, my 4 y/o daughter is 35 lbs. Chief likes to play very rough, grab on to the bottom of her dress and not let go, growling. Sheā€™s lost a few dresses this way from being torn. He and Louise regularly chase her and jump on her. The pups have nipped her but not hard. Donā€™t get me wrong he loves her too. She loves to lie down on the floor and he lays right on top of her or snuggled up with her. Should I be concerned that heā€™ll really hurt her? Heā€™s 4 months old and I think heā€™s gonna be a biiig boy so thatā€™s my main concern with all this. I really think that heā€™s playing and wonā€™t hurt her, or try to. But if I need to take steps to make sure, Iā€™d love to hear from you all!
Any recommendations or personal experience with this?

Side note: I make sure my daughter doesnā€™t walk around the dogs while holding food, and I regularly explain to her not to tease them (or feed themšŸ„“)

2) Destructive chewing. Chief has chewed up parts of our wooden coffee table, our kitchen hutch and the bottoms of our dining room chairs. (All things wooden or cardboard he goes crazy for)

Iā€™ve bought countless chew toys and I redirect him.
I have a water spray bottle that Iā€™ll use to spray him and Louise when they start excessively fighting and it usually works, but not so much for the download gta 5 mobile (100% working) ā€“ android.
When we leave he goes in his kennel if heā€™s not coming with us, as well as bed time.
I bought the adaptil plug in (or thunder ease) and itā€™s been going since Monday but doesnā€™t seem to do anything for the destructive chewing.
As far as taking him for walks, itā€™s over 100 degrees F outside (38C) and sometimes higher so we havenā€™t been going on walks lately.
He gets time outside and will stay out there chewing twigs for as long as he can.
What else can we do about the chewing?? Luckily we were wanting to get rid of the dining room chairs and table anyway, and re-paint the kitchen hutch.
It is important to monitor Chief's behavior around your daughter closely. While it sounds like they have a playful relationship, it is important to establish boundaries and make sure that Chief understands what is and is not acceptable behavior around your daughter. One way to do this is to interrupt any rough play and redirect Chief to a more appropriate activity, such as playing with a toy or taking a break from playtime altogether. It may also be helpful to enroll Chief in a puppy training class or work with a professional dog trainer to ensure that he is well-behaved around children. Additionally, it is important to teach your daughter how to interact with dogs safely and to supervise their interactions closely.

Destructive chewing is a common problem for puppies, and it sounds like you are already taking many of the right steps to address it. Providing plenty of chew toys and redirecting him when he starts to chew on inappropriate objects is a good strategy. You may also want to try using bitter apple spray or another deterrent spray on the furniture to make it less appealing to Chief. It may also be helpful to provide him with more mental and physical stimulation, such as puzzle toys and regular exercise. If the problem persists, it may be worth consulting with a professional dog trainer or behaviorist to develop a more targeted plan for addressing the chewing behavior.

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