Poop Eater


New member
Mar 16, 2023
Bulldog(s) Names

My EBD Biggie is now 7 months. This man eats his own poop. I have tried over the counter supplements, pumpkin to get him to stop and I have been unsuccessful. When he is loose in the house and I am watching him he will not eat it because I move him quickly away from it. At night he sleeps in his area and he poops and eats it. Itā€™s horrible-he will burp in your face and it smells like poop.

What can I do what else can I try to get this to stop. Itā€™s disgusting and I have never experienced this with a dog. šŸ¤¢šŸ¤® please help!

My EBD Biggie is now 7 months. This man eats his own poop. I have tried over the counter supplements, pumpkin to get him to stop and I have been unsuccessful. When he is loose in the house and I am watching him he will not eat it because I move him quickly away from it. At night he sleeps in his area and he poops and eats it. Itā€™s horrible-he will burp in your face and it smells like poop.

What can I do what else can I try to get this to stop. Itā€™s disgusting and I have never experienced this with a dog. šŸ¤¢šŸ¤® please help!

Yes definitely thatā€™s a gross habit!

One of my dogs used to do that, she would eat it immediately after she went, she did this for a long time every day, no matter how quick I pick it up, she would run and take it out of the poop scoop, disgusting!

It was a result of low quality food, cause the dog is lacking something and they crave it and eat the poop.

Since we switched her to better quality food, she hasnā€™t done it since! Been over a year since she last did that.

She actually will go and then she will leave it and come right inside and we will see it outside not touched. Iā€™m very glad that the food made the difference and put a end finally to this gross habit(she is 7 years, so for the first 6 years she would eat it no matter what).

What are you feeding him?

Itā€™s best to nip it in the but while he is a pup and make changes to his food(if you can) depending on what he is on and see if it improves.

My EBD Biggie is now 7 months. This man eats his own poop. I have tried over the counter supplements, pumpkin to get him to stop and I have been unsuccessful. When he is loose in the house and I am watching him he will not eat it because I move him quickly away from it. At night he sleeps in his area and he poops and eats it. Itā€™s horrible-he will burp in your face and it smells like poop.

What can I do what else can I try to get this to stop. Itā€™s disgusting and I have never experienced this with a dog. šŸ¤¢šŸ¤® please help!

My EBD Biggie is now 7 months. This man eats his own poop. I have tried over the counter supplements, pumpkin to get him to stop and I have been unsuccessful. When he is loose in the house and I am watching him he will not eat it because I move him quickly away from it. At night he sleeps in his area and he poops and eats it. Itā€™s horrible-he will burp in your face and it smells like poop.

What can I do what else can I try to get this to stop. Itā€™s disgusting and I have never experienced this with a dog. šŸ¤¢šŸ¤® please help!
As mentioned... it could be because of low quality food and he still smells the "food" in the poo.

There is an article on it. I'll try to find and post a link here.

Last edited:
I started a thread on this very same topic a few years ago, here


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