Picking up Olaf tomorrow...


New member
Jan 31, 2010
Tucson, AZ
Bulldog(s) Names
Olaf & Ivana
Sooooooo happy to be getting him back! We are having major withdrawls! lol And also we will be bringing back one of our breeder's females....(she has been our favorite female of hers, she has the SWEETEST face ever) So now we will have 2 bullies! Sooooo excited. Now olaf will have a companion, which will be nice. I will take video and photos of course and post them. Hope everyone is having a great day! :D
Oh how exciting!!!! Cannot wait to see her!
Lots of pics needed!!
Oh wow!!!! Congrats!!!! That almost makes all this time apart worth it huh? Cant wait to see pics I bet she is adorable!!!

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