Nola is peeing often and unable to lay down


New member
Dec 8, 2022
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Hello everyone,

It has been a long night so far. Nola is a 7 year old bulldog and out of nowhere she seems to not be able to lay down and get comfortable and has been going pee quite a bit with only a little pee that is coming out of her. My first assumption is possibly a UTI. I know everyone will say, bring her to the vet, if only it were that easy. She has an elongated palate and has the tendency to get really worked up which leads to swelling, breathing heavily, and in the past a heat stroke. The thing that is baffling me is the not being able to lay down or get comfortable part. She was fine last night. She did jump off the couch which she never does and I wondered if maybe she hurt herself or something but if I massage her legs, paws, tummy, neck, back, etc I dont see her act as if she is in pain. Maybe her hip? I gave her some food to see if she would eat, she did. She drank a little water but not a lot, which is common. So is this a UTI and it is bothering her? I have no clue. Curious if anyone has had similar symptoms...
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She needs to see a Vet. It could be a UTI. It could be stones blocking her urinary tract. Have you considered addressing her soft palate or are you leaving it as is? An enlarged soft palate can take years off a dogs life. I think it's time to do something. See your Vet. Speak to your Vet about dosing amitriptyline or a similar medication prior to the office visit.
Agreed -- she could have bladder or kidney pain due to the UTI. You'll need to get her to a vet or see if you have a mobile vet in your area that will come to your home
Definitely need a vet visit. But at my vet, Iā€™d be able to pick up the urine kit, collect the urine, and bring it in to be tested. Can you do that?
We have a vet appointment at 1pm today. She was finally able to lay down and sleep but still seems like she is in some pain.
We have a vet appointment at 1pm today. She was finally able to lay down and sleep but still seems like she is in some pain.

Definitely she needs to be seen by a vet, can you catch her urine sample at home and bring it to the vet?
She could have UTI OR bladder stones which can be painful and make them not able to pee as much at once and go more often.

Have you considered the Elongated soft palate Surgery?? Itā€™s really risky for the dog when they have the elongated soft palate blocking their airway and them not being. Able to breathe properly, it needs to be treated thru a surgery as sometimes if they canā€™t breathe properly, they can fall over and have something happen to them if itā€™s not addressed. They sometimes not get enough oxygen if they canā€™t breathe properly from the palate blocking the airway.

Please keep us updated on how the vet appointment goes today!
Ok so will not get blood or urine test back till next week because it was sent off to a lab. Xrays showed no broken bones and no bloat. So prayers for Miss Nola. They gave her some pain meds and an antibiotic because she did have an ear infection. Maybe that was it? Not sure. Stay tuned. Also we are going to ger her naires widened and do the palate surgery. The problem here is that it was like $6k at the blue Pearl hospital which is close to my house. My only other option was take her to Texas A&M Vet school and it would be around $3-4k but is an hour away from me. So we are needing to save up for it.


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Definitely need a vet visit. But at my vet, Iā€™d be able to pick up the urine kit, collect the urine, and bring it in to be tested. Can you do that?
I tried and they will not take urine from a sample you collect. Had to have them do it through their process in the bladder. The vet visit total with urine, blood, xray, meds, etc was about $800.
Ok so will not get blood or urine test back till next week because it was sent off to a lab. Xrays showed no broken bones and no bloat. So prayers for Miss Nola. They gave her some pain meds and an antibiotic because she did have an ear infection. Maybe that was it? Not sure. Stay tuned. Also we are going to ger her naires widened and do the palate surgery. The problem here is that it was like $6k at the blue Pearl hospital which is close to my house. My only other option was take her to Texas A&M Vet school and it would be around $3-4k but is an hour away from me. So we are needing to save up for it.

Definitely keep us updated on the bloodwork and urine results.

A ear infection shouldnā€™t cause her to pee more often. Was it a yeast infection in her ears??

Thatā€™s great if you can get her palate and nares done, once you save up.

Thatā€™s a crazy amount $6k, do you have pet insurance?

When my French Bulldog had his soft palate and nares done it was $1,900 where we got it done but at a specialist, they quoted me $8k-$10k because of overnight stay and 24hr care if needed(that was the estimate, NOT where I got it done) and my regular vet estimate was $5k.

The specialist was booking the surgeries 5 months away! My frenchie couldnā€™t wait that long. Thatā€™s why I ended up taking him to the local vet who had the surgeon come there, they got him in in 3 weeks, which is what my Frenchie needed.

The board certified specialist from the specialist that quoted 8-10k because of the 24hr care, the surgeon ended up coming to a local vet to do this particular surgery, and there was no 24 hour care, he came home the same day and we had to monitor him, and it was a huge improvement for his breathing. I was surprised it was only $1,900.

Hopefully she starts feeling better, keep us updated.
Ok so will not get blood or urine test back till next week because it was sent off to a lab. Xrays showed no broken bones and no bloat. So prayers for Miss Nola. They gave her some pain meds and an antibiotic because she did have an ear infection. Maybe that was it? Not sure. Stay tuned. Also we are going to ger her naires widened and do the palate surgery. The problem here is that it was like $6k at the blue Pearl hospital which is close to my house. My only other option was take her to Texas A&M Vet school and it would be around $3-4k but is an hour away from me. So we are needing to save up for it.
Texas A & M for sure and it has nothing to do with being less money! Blue Pearl is a corporation and charges accordingly and will get as much money out of you as they possibly can.
A & M is an excellent veterinary school, and I would not hesitate to take any of my pets there. I would trust them more than Blue Pearl! You should be able to get something to calm her for the journey.
We do not have insurance so we self-insure. It's a bit late in the game for you at the moment but we have a dedicated pet savings account and add to it every month without fail. Other people have a credit card used for pets only.
Wishing you and Nola all the best.
Texas A & M for sure and it has nothing to do with being less money! Blue Pearl is a corporation and charges accordingly and will get as much money out of you as they possibly can.
A & M is an excellent veterinary school, and I would not hesitate to take any of my pets there. I would trust them more than Blue Pearl! You should be able to get something to calm her for the journey.
We do not have insurance so we self-insure. It's a bit late in the game for you at the moment but we have a dedicated pet savings account and add to it every month without fail. Other people have a credit card used for pets only.
Wishing you and Nola all the best.
I agree with Pamā€¦. Go to A&M for the surgery, an hour isnā€™t that far away.

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