No one pees more than Bricklin!


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Jan 19, 2011
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Alright, I need to know that I'm not alone...or that I am! And I'll take any advice that's worked for anyone.

Hudson was an angel. He tried to disobey like 4 times, and then he was good to go. He was easy to train, especially potty training! He learned everything really quickly, and he's a pleaser.

And then I got a female....

Right now, Bricklin is coming up on 10 months and she's wrapping up her first heat. Every night lately, she pees at least three times in a row on the half hour. (For example, last night she peed at 7:50, 8:20, and 8:50). And she legitimately peed! She whined to go out and she actually went!

Of course, I would think, oh I guess that's a UTI, but she's able to hold it longer through the evening and there's not much pee in her crate when I get home from work. If she was peeing every half hour while I was at work, we may as well turn that room into a swimming pool!

Has anyone else experience this? Is this a phase? Is it because she's coming out of heat? Is she just a brat?

I'm open to suggestions! Thanks!


Mar 25, 2011
Southern California
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I have no experience with female Bully's..let me tag a couple people.. [MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION].. [MENTION=1714]Sherry[/MENTION].. [MENTION=1648]Lucy-licious[/MENTION].. [MENTION=2071]Davidh[/MENTION]


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Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
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I love how you described each detail, it's very helpful.

What she is doing sounds normal. Females actually mark when they are in heat! They will try to put some all over the yard, and I have even seen them spread it around by rocking back and forth a little while peeing. It is as much of a natural instinct for them to want to mate as it is for a male, and this is her way of calling out to all the boys in the neighborhood, by spreading her scent.

This is why it's very important to always be with her, and protect her at all costs, because males have been known to go to great lengths to answer her silent call.

However, a heat can easily be confused with a UTI. Since they have many of the same symptoms, as a precaution, you may want to get a urinalysis done if her blood is red for longer than 10 days.

[MENTION=3123]agingermom[/MENTION] went through what seemed like a heat cycle with Bertha, but it didn't seem quite right and she had a lot of peeing episodes, as well as not as much blood as she expected.

So she took her in to find she had a UTI and no heat, right before her real heat. After antibiotics and her true heat cycle, she had developed polyps from the UTI, which ended up resulting in surgery. We all learned a valuable lesson at Berthas expense.

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk :)


Yep...I think [MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION] hit the nail on the head when she suggested marking.
She is probably wanting all the hunky dogs out there, to know that she is fertile and ready :eek:

My Lucy does exactly the same thing she is such a hussy :ROFL:


Head Pooper Scooper
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Mar 21, 2011
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Yap, what they said. :)


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Jan 19, 2011
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Thanks, everyone! This is good to know. Totally makes sense. Bricklin's got a big attitude, so I'm sure she's bummed out that no one has come along to sweep her off her paws. She's super desirable ;) She's definitely on a leash right now and right by my side. My vet had warned me immensely about this, so I've been careful to keep her by my side. I'll keep monitoring her, and if she's still going frequently, I'll get her checked out. Since this has been short lived, I'm thinking it's her heat. @lucy_licious - you CRACK me up. I think Bricklin's a little hussy as well! Glad I'm not alone!

- - - Updated - - -

Thanks, everyone! This is good to know. Totally makes sense. Bricklin's got a big attitude, so I'm sure she's bummed out that no one has come along to sweep her off her paws. She's super desirable ;) She's definitely on a leash right now and right by my side. My vet had warned me immensely about this, so I've been careful to keep her by my side. I'll keep monitoring her, and if she's still going frequently, I'll get her checked out. Since this has been short lived, I'm thinking it's her heat. @lucy_licious - you CRACK me up. I think Bricklin's a little hussy as well! Glad I'm not alone!

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