New puppy

Congratulations! Those puppy classes are great introductions for them. I'm new to this but looking at past shows, there aren't usually many bulldog puppies in the 4-6 mos classes. I used to take Porkchop to Home Depot & Lowes for his 'people fix' but never Petsmart...just in case of diseases... Pork thought he was a rock star. He loved people fawning on him. Tebow's breeder even suggested HD & Lowe's as great for socialization. People see a bulldog and can't resist most of the time. As long as no one follows me to my car. I have a slight paranoia about someone trying to steal my dogs. Sort of...
Oh, it was just the 3 of them in the class and then 5 puppies total in group. Home Depot and Lowes are great for socialization! I generally don't shop at Petsmart so I don't take my dogs there but there are a couple pet store boutiques near me that I go to and sometimes bring one of the dogs there. I have brought Darla a few times and she is warming up now and not as scared as the first time so I will keep at it. It is great to have people get hands on with puppies so they get used to the judges touching them and approaching them in the ring.
Tractor Supply works well too
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I think I figured it out, itā€™s Jackie?

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so nice to hear you decided to get another bully boy, heā€™s a cutie!
Its so unbelievably hard after losing one to think about getting another.
we will be getting our next bully boy in 3 weeks having lost Wesley suddenly last November.
You are so right! It's tough losing one of our pets. A friend of mine lost his BD and is reluctant to get another as it may not measure up to his first. Ahh, each dog/child have their own personalities. Like snowflakes, none will be alike. Kind of like that "box of chocolates"? Ya never know what you're going to get.
Looking forward to seeing photos of your new guy!
Porkchop passed away last July and I wasn't sure if I could get another dog. He was a special little guy. Well, I went to a dog show in August, just to look...(LOL) I saw a beautiful red bulldog and asked the lady a few questions, told her a little about Pork and maybe...maybe thinking of getting another. She had a litter due in a month and gave me her number. We stayed in touch and well, I got a little boy. He came home Monday and today he was christened "Tebow". He's a playful, cuddly little gent and almost housebroken. He's 4 1/2 months old and had his first show last weekend. We're going to get back on the circuit. Yet most of all, he's my little man and I am so happy. I still miss Pork yet I have my memories of him.
Congrats! tebow is stunning! How wonderful for you all... he as a fantastic home and you have a new little buddy! Porkchop will always be in your heart and forever missed... noting will change that ā™„ļø

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