New pup coming soon!!


New member
Nov 2, 2020
Bulldog(s) Names
Hello I am new here and new to bulldogs in general. My baby (Tank) is going to arrive at my house on Nov. 7, he will be 10 weeks old. We are so excited!! Any tips or suggestions welcome :)
Castor says hi and welcome! HOw exciting with a pup! My best tip is that you make baby Tank feel at home and safe. It will be a big change for him to leave his mom and siblings. Treat him like you would a baby - keep him by your side, interact with him and make sure he is comfortable when he should sleep. Don't put him in a crate but train him to sleep in a basket by your bed so that you can pick him up if he cries, etc. Take him out once an hour and puppyproof your house!
Welcome! Be ready for some great laughs with your new pup! [emoji1787][emoji1787]
I also got my first, almost 4 years ago now, and it was one on the best decisions ever! I am so glad I found this forum too!
We look forward to many pictures of your Tank!!

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Congratulations and we can't wait to see pics of your new baby!!!

If you click on the forum tab page, there are links to information for first time bully owners.
Yes the forum button n search button are loaded of great info. Or ask away.
Don’t forget the photos!!!

Welcome!!!! How exciting for you!! [MENTION=9875]cefe13[/MENTION] gives GREAT advice! Treat him like the baby that he is, things will happen, he's a wee pup. LOVE LOVE LOVE and consistency.

Can't wait to see PHOTOS !!!!

Sue and Joey
Congratulations!! Welcome to EBN and the wonderful world of bulldogs ---

Sweet little Tank20201113_123807.jpg
What a cutie!! Welcome Tank!!

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He is absolutely adorable!

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