Nervous! Tail amputation surgery tomorrow!!


New member
Mar 21, 2014
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Any advice on tail amputation surgery would be greatly appreciated! I am so nervous! Otis will be 5 at the of the month. We have had numerous tail pocket infections that we can't get rid of! He started with some aggression issues (we think due to the pain) but started seeing a behaviorist. I am so nervous about the surgery! I am nervous about him going under, having breathing issues while under, recovery time, and just having my poor baby go through this! I am sick about it! Any advice if you have been through it would be greatly appreciated! I am hoping this makes him feel better and resolves all behavior issues! We are just trying to help him but not sure I am making the right decision.
No personal experience but want to say I'm praying for him! I've read that it really does make a difference.
Jewel had this procedure done when she had her knee surgery and would be under the anesthesia. Yes it is alright to be nervous as I was because my Jewel and now Bentley just went through knee surgery and was under anesthesia. As 2BullyMama mentioned, they bounce back pretty quick. The icing on the cake is not missing the tail pocket cleaning and extra cleaning during the summer months as well as dealing with the occasional infection as you mentioned.

The biggest issue is the anesthesia, so when the vet calls you to tell you everything went ok, the pressure on your shoulders will disappear.

Just follow the post-op instructions and Otis will be good in no time. Just let us know when Otis is OK and doing well.

I am sending you prayers and positive thoughts that all goes well. --rj
Any advice on tail amputation surgery would be greatly appreciated! I am so nervous! Otis will be 5 at the of the month. We have had numerous tail pocket infections that we can't get rid of! He started with some aggression issues (we think due to the pain) but started seeing a behaviorist. I am so nervous about the surgery! I am nervous about him going under, having breathing issues while under, recovery time, and just having my poor baby go through this! I am sick about it! Any advice if you have been through it would be greatly appreciated! I am hoping this makes him feel better and resolves all behavior issues! We are just trying to help him but not sure I am making the right decision.
Let me start by saying yes I think you are making the right decision, George had his tail amputated coming up on 4 weeks ago now and he is a different dog after it so much happier in himself it was the right thing to do the infections just weren't clearing up. George is a year old tomorrow and has had 2 anaesthetic in his short life and no complications thank goodness and my vet was upfront and honest enough to say that he was nervous about putting him under and his recovery. Everything went great and I'm sure you will have a similar outcome. The couple of days after he slept 90% of the time, then he came around quite well but after he had the stitches out a week later he seemed to go into a depression wouldn't come out of his crate except to eat and go to the bathroom. So be forewarned it could happen but it will pass. To be sure the vet did a blood test and everything was fine so I put it down to a withdrawal from the many rounds of antibiotics and painkillers he had been on for so long between one thing and another (his little problems are just to many to mention) over the last few months.
George had some very aggressive tendencies before the operation but he has improved ( he still gets mad just not as often and not for as long) so this may well help with that for you also but we too are attending some formal training classes with George and that is helping too. I find most of the aggression here is related to him being tired and when he had the infections of course he was more irritable, he seems better able to calm himself these days since the tail is gone. George does have a problem with visitors in our house though and that is still an issue his greatest problem is with weak men he can't abide weak energy. Sorry I have gone off on a tangent there.
The recovery time I guess differs from dog to dog but it was a full 3 weeks for us but you might be luckier. I understand how sick you feel about it and no one can talk you out of how you feel but it's something that can't be left as it has to be so uncomfortable for them to try and deal with. I was so stressed I got patches of alopicia on my scalp so believe me I understand how you are feeling.
I would like to wish Otis and you all the very best and you will be in my thoughts and prayers please let us know how it all goes. Good Luck ❤️
Let me start by saying yes I think you are making the right decision, George had his tail amputated coming up on 4 weeks ago now and he is a different dog after it so much happier in himself it was the right thing to do the infections just weren't clearing up. George is a year old tomorrow and has had 2 anaesthetic in his short life and no complications thank goodness and my vet was upfront and honest enough to say that he was nervous about putting him under and his recovery. Everything went great and I'm sure you will have a similar outcome. The couple of days after he slept 90% of the time, then he came around quite well but after he had the stitches out a week later he seemed to go into a depression wouldn't come out of his crate except to eat and go to the bathroom. So be forewarned it could happen but it will pass. To be sure the vet did a blood test and everything was fine so I put it down to a withdrawal from the many rounds of antibiotics and painkillers he had been on for so long between one thing and another (his little problems are just to many to mention) over the last few months.
George had some very aggressive tendencies before the operation but he has improved ( he still gets mad just not as often and not for as long) so this may well help with that for you also but we too are attending some formal training classes with George and that is helping too. I find most of the aggression here is related to him being tired and when he had the infections of course he was more irritable, he seems better able to calm himself these days since the tail is gone. George does have a problem with visitors in our house though and that is still an issue his greatest problem is with weak men he can't abide weak energy. Sorry I have gone off on a tangent there.
The recovery time I guess differs from dog to dog but it was a full 3 weeks for us but you might be luckier. I understand how sick you feel about it and no one can talk you out of how you feel but it's something that can't be left as it has to be so uncomfortable for them to try and deal with. I was so stressed I got patches of alopicia on my scalp so believe me I understand how you are feeling.
I would like to wish Otis and you all the very best and you will be in my thoughts and prayers please let us know how it all goes. Good Luck ❤️

Jewel and Bentley are wish George a very Happy Birthday. Me too! --rj
Thanks everyone so much! I will keep you posted! It helps to talk to others that have gone through the same thing!
Okay so Otis is finally on the road to recovery! The surgery went well and he did great! Once he got home he started with diarrhea that just kept dripping out below the stitches from the rectum. We had to deal with it for a day. We finally got control of that. After 24 hours he was back to his normal self- acting like nothing happened! He has bumped it a few times and let out a few yelps! I feel so bad. I feel like every day is closer to our re-check appointment which is next Tuesday! We keep putting him in a pen or crate since he wants to jump. He did get out once and jumped on the couch but we keep him confined now. It really is so hard on all of us! I know we will be happy in the long run! I think he is super itchy between the hair growing back and stitches healing. Every time I let him out of his cage he runs around close to the ground like a maniac! He also keeps panting like he is uncomfortable. I keep letting him out for water but keeps doing it! The surgeon said to wait it out! We can do nothing for him. I bought his favorite bones to try and keep him occupied. Any other healing advice?

Thanks for all your encouragement and prayers! We appreciate it!!
Very happy to hear that Otis is doing well,after this surgery. If he is not taking any medicines now, you might give him Benedry to help with the itching. I have not been through this,so I don't know what else can be done,except wait it out. Best wishes for you and Otis!
Doesn't he have any painkillers? When Monty had his op he was given them and we kept him on them (although easing off the dose over time) until the next check-up.
Okay so Otis is finally on the road to recovery! The surgery went well and he did great! Once he got home he started with diarrhea that just kept dripping out below the stitches from the rectum. We had to deal with it for a day. We finally got control of that. After 24 hours he was back to his normal self- acting like nothing happened! He has bumped it a few times and let out a few yelps! I feel so bad. I feel like every day is closer to our re-check appointment which is next Tuesday! We keep putting him in a pen or crate since he wants to jump. He did get out once and jumped on the couch but we keep him confined now. It really is so hard on all of us! I know we will be happy in the long run! I think he is super itchy between the hair growing back and stitches healing. Every time I let him out of his cage he runs around close to the ground like a maniac! He also keeps panting like he is uncomfortable. I keep letting him out for water but keeps doing it! The surgeon said to wait it out! We can do nothing for him. I bought his favorite bones to try and keep him occupied. Any other healing advice?

Thanks for all your encouragement and prayers! We appreciate it!!

Any pain meds for this first week? Lambeau was on something for a few days when he first came home and then nothing. I put Neosporin on the stiches to help it not be so itchy
Hi Otis,

Bent is on the verge of tail amputation as well and we're doing research as I type. We're in western NY and so far the Cornell Animal Orthopedics quoted $3500, would you share your cost.

Hi Otis,

Bent is on the verge of tail amputation as well and we're doing research as I type. We're in western NY and so far the Cornell Animal Orthopedics quoted $3500, would you share your cost.


WOW... I have to go back and look at Lambeau's cost, but it was no where near $3500
Sending prayers for a safe procedure and speedy recovery.

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