
New member
Aug 1, 2020
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
I have a 4-year-old English bulldog who in the last 3 weeks has made two trips to the emergency room. The vet says that he needs the upper airway surgery which I have scheduled for this Wednesday. In the meantime I'm trying to figure out other than keeping him out of the heat what kind of room house temperatures do I need to keep so that he does not get hot and pant and pace too much? Will this upper airway surgery help tremendously?
Is he very active? Does he play/run around a lot both indoors and outdoors? If yes, for how long? Too much activity can make his breathing difficult. My 5 year old has a heart condition so we only let him play for 15 minutes at a time. Even in that short amount of time he'll start panting. Inside my home I will only let the house get to around 83 degrees....but he's fine with that as I keep a few fans on him. Outside he loves sitting outside in the sun in 90+ degree weather but I'll bring him back inside in like 5 minutes or when he starts feeling hot to the touch and panting a little. Good luck! Prayers for a wonderful surgery outcome. [emoji173]

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Sorry....should have added that if the vet recommended this surgery for him, and he has no other health issues/concerns (ie heart issues) then the surgery could very well benefit him greatly. Hopefully, you have a vet that is well familiar or specializes in this breed.

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Thank you so much for replying Yes he is very active sometimes I wonder if he thinks he's a lab lol and he too loves to sit in the sun in the mornings but we will definitely always be limiting him and his exposure to activity and son as well He loved the water too but we have to cut him short otherwise he goes overboard. now I've been keeping my house at like 78 or 79 and here I am sitting in a blanket freezing thinking he needs it to be that cool but maybe it's just this surgery that's necessary and then he won't need it to be that cool because I don't really like the air conditioning bill that it's creating.
I keep my house between 72-75 in the summer months, but I have an A frame house... so my living room is comfortable, while the bathrooms are freezing!!! My dogs know this and will go to the bathroom if they get too hot... Lol

Summer (especially August) is a difficult month for bulldogs... it's WAY too hot for walks, but of course they want to be outside. I limit my crew to 10-15 minutes outside if it's over 75-78 degrees out... it depends if it's cloudy or the humidity is low. 15-20 min play session indoors normally is enough to keep them worn out, we play in the house w/soft balls or tug-of-war. I do have a small doggie pool, and if your pups like water that is another great option to keep them busy in the summer.

I had the elongated palate & nares surgery done to Walter & Willow... IMO it is a lifesaver for bulldogs IF they need it. Willow is tiny (35 pounds) and my vet said she had the longest palate she has ever seen!!!
Thank you so much for your response. It helps to know that I'm not alone it was scary but yes the vet has definitely said he needs it. I was thinking along the same lines because my Harley is kind of on the small side for a male He's only about 48 lb so it didn't dawn on me that he would still need that kind of a surgery. I appreciate you writing back to me and giving me your opinions and your experience it's very helpful.

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